Friday, December 15, 2017

Dean Winchester Friday

Dean Winchester (or sometimes Jensen Ackles) Fridays make me a very happy fangirl. You'll see why when you look at the pic.

I still can’t believe there’s going to be a Scooby + Supernatural mash-up. I’m excited, but, at the same time, it’s weird.

How do you feel about the upcoming animated episode?


  1. I never watched ScoobyDoo so I am not looking forward to it all that much.

    1. Aww... :(

      Scooby Doo is fun, but I never really watched it much either. I was obsessed with the live action movies once upon a time, though.

  2. Omg!! This picture is making me all kinds of excited!! I am PSYCHED for this episode! Lol!! I LOVE Supernatural and I LOVED watching Scooby Doo as a kid! Lots of versions of it. I haven't been too impressed with the newer versions these days, but what can you do? A few years back my friend posted this picture/meme that said "Sh*t just got real" and in the picture you see the Impala parked next to the Mystery Machine! I've been obsessed with it ever since! So when they said that this season would have an animated episode where two of my most favorite shows cross I was beyond excited!! I think it's supposed to air in March? I can't remember what they said, I know it's on the 2018 end of the season. Sigh...

    1. Yeah, the newer versions aren't impressive. And I think I remember that meme. I'll have to hunt it down.

      March is too long to wait for it! I need it now! ;)

  3. Noooooo! I did not know that and it sounds super weird. Why whould they do that? Supernatural is not for kids..I don't get it.

    1. I don't think it's going to be a kiddish episode, but it'll probably have less "foul language."

  4. I don't even know what to think about this. The main thing that pops in my head is why?

    1. Pretty much because they've done everything else. Lol. ;)


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