Saturday, December 19, 2015

Stacking the Shelves: The Financially Damaging Edition

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme that is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I honestly don’t know what happened. I just kind of went nuts. You’ll see. There’s quite a bit of financial damage going on in these pictures:

Red Handed by Gena Showalter
Touch of Power by Maria V. Snyder (UK ed.)
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Revealed by P.C. and Kristin Cast
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

But wait, there’s more:

Heart of Darkness by Gena Showalter, Maggie Shayne, and Susan Krinard
Playing with Fire by Gena Showalter

And lastly, the only books that I didn’t purchase or trade with my own money (they’re also pictured in the first image), and were in fact a Christmas gift from my roommate (Thanks, roomie!) are:

I purchased six of these books. SIX. I’m supposed to be on a ban. I’m going to have to buckle down now. You’ll see a Christmas haul from me, but I’m hoping I’ll have very few Stacking the Shelves posts over at least the next few months.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Bans are good, but I figure I could have worse habits. Nice haul and I hope you enjoy them.

    1. Thanks, and I agree. I could always have a worse hobby. :)


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!