Saturday, December 5, 2015

2016 Pre-order Giveaway!

Guys! Guys! It’s almost Christmas! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, it’s almost 2016! Do you know what that means? 

It means more books are being released! And I’m using too many exclamation points! But you should be just as excited as I am and shouldn’t care that I'm freaking out right now!

So since there are only 26 days left until the fabulous year of 2016, I decided to do a giveaway! Woot! Woot!

And this giveaway is INTERNATIONAL!

As for the prize, I’m giving away a book of YOUR CHOICE. The only criteria is that it must be a 2016 release and less than $20, so yes, this will be a pre-order. I’m sorry that you’ll have to wait so long for it to get to you, but I’m not sorry that you’ll get to read a new release.

I’ve included some books that I’m excited for in 2016 in the image, but you are in no way obligated to choose one of those releases as your prize, should you win.


So the giveaway rules are as follows:
  • The Book Depository must ship to your country if you live outside of the U.S. If you live inside the U.S., your book will come from Amazon. 
  • Your book must cost less than 20 U.S. dollars. (If you choose a book that is over that amount, I will ask you to pick another.) 
  • I am not responsible for lost shipping/handling. 
  • You must be 18+ to enter. 
  • You must fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter. 
  • The giveaway starts December 5, 2015 and ends January 10, 2016.

That’s it! That’s all you have to do! Easy peasy, right? Get to filling out that form. Fly, my pretties! Fly! 


  1. If I could have any book right now, it would have to be the first edition of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I love that series and it would be awesome to hold that book.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! There are so many books I would want to have. A difficult book that would love to have would be an original copy of Robin Hood; because that was my favorite book as a child. :)

  3. Ohhhh, such a great giveaway! Thanks so much for that! I would LOVE to have "Rebel of the Sands" right now because I'm DYING to read this amazing book! Ever since I read the first 2 chapters of it, I'm so obsessed and excited ... CAN'T WAIT, AHHHH! <3

  4. Hmm... Untamed by A.G. Howard! I can't buy it right now so I'd love to have that in my hands right now. Thank you for the giveaway! ♥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My book choice would be Fire Bound by Christine Feehan. I love her novels all of her stories are keepers.

  7. That's a hard one! I'd say maybe "Everlife" by Gena Showalter or "Ten thousand skies above you" by Claudia Gray! Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Winter by Marissa Meyer! I need to know how it ends!

  9. Maybe the Illustrated Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, because it would be an amazing christmas gift

  10. If I could have any book in the world it would be Cress by Marisa Meyers, I love this series so much, it is extraordinary in every way and it brings me joy!! - Ashley R.

  11. If I could have any book... the final book in the Red Rising series. Just for the closure! Then Glass Sword. :-)

  12. I'd either choose November 9 or a new cozy mystery!

  13. I'd choose one of my childhood classics, like Heidi. Nothing like a nostalgia trip with a book :)

  14. I've been wanting to get What If? By Randall Munroe like since last year! I wanted to read it with my bf. He's a fan of the author.

  15. Six of Crows as I've been dying to get my hands on it since I read the blurb!! It sounds sooo good and the reviews have been all positive!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Any book? Maybe Carry On by Rainbow Rowell... I've been really wanting to read it :)

  18. The Young Elite by Marie Lu. I haven't read this book yet, but I have been meaning to! Thank you for this amazing chance! :)


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!