Monday, February 19, 2018

Bookshelves! Aka Pictures of Bookcase #7!

It’s time for me to share bookcases #7, the apartment bookcase! If you didn’t see bookcase #1, #2, #3, and #4-6 in all their bookish glory, you can check them out on the blog.

For those of you who don’t know, I moved to NYC this past summer. Moving meant I couldn’t take my books with me. Thus, I left 99% of my books at my parents’ house. It’s sad to be away from my preciouses for so long. This post though, is the bookcase that is currently living with me in my apartment. I’ve only had it for a few weeks, but it’s already full. Yikes.

My face when I look at my shelves.

Below is the full bookcase. It’s only three shelves tall. I should have bought a taller one.

Okay, now we can get to the shelf breakdown.

There’s absolutely no order to this bookcase except for this very top shelf. It contains my currently library checkouts and a book I plan on reading soon, Freedom’s Slave, which I just bought from Book Outlet.Oh, and Toothless is guarding my DVDs. ;)

The next shelf contains some tall hardcovers, like Iron Gold and Unearthed. There are also some large paperbacks and some regular paperbacks.

The second shelf contains regular-sized hardcovers and contemporary books. Along with some paperbacks and a mass market of Gena Showalter’s contemporary romance series.

The bottom shelf has more large paperbacks (I need to put Ruin next to the first book, Malice) and some recent YA purchases from Book Outlet on the right side. Oh, and there’s also my Scholastic glass from when I worked there as a temp.


Whew! Well, those are all of my bookcases! Have you done any bookshelf tours/pics? Share in the comments. I’d love to check out your shelves!


  1. My bookshelf is a bit disheveled. There's no particular design - just a "lets try and get everything off of the floor" theme. Haha. I need another case because books are blocking books and I'd love to be able to see them all at once.

    Lauren @

    1. I would love ten more bookcases. Lol. The life of a book hoarder. :)

  2. We recently did a post about our bookshelves as well. I love how it looks when some books are laying on their side and some are standing up, but I can never get mine to look right :( Yours looks great though!

    1. I'm glad you think so. I just think it looks like a hot mess right now. But I agree that some shelves look good with a mix of upright and horizontal books.

  3. I really need to get my bookshelves organized. There is no sense to mine. Books literally are where they were randomly put a few weeks ago. Thanks for letting us take a peek at yours!

    1. I used to love reorganizing my shelves. Now, I love the idea of it. Just because actually reorganizing my shelves is too tedious with 1,000 or so books to move around. 0_o

  4. My shelves are such a mess. Maybe if I had toothless guarding they would look better. He is adorable.


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