Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Bookish Resolutions and Goals

It’s Top Ten Tuesday time!

If you’re unaware, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish, and it’s now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there’s a new Top Ten theme that the blogger responds to with their own list of answers.

This week’s theme is… *drumroll please*…

Bookish Resolutions and Goals

I was actually going to do a separate post for this, but I guess now I don’t have to. Yay for doubling up on the posts!

Buy/get a quality camera.

I’m just tired of taking crappy book photos on my phone. I think it’s time for an update. This isn’t a high priority, though.

Read a classic.

For this one, I’m thinking Jane Austen. I own all of her books in pretty hardcovers, yet I’ve only read Pride and Prejudice. I think it’s time I read a few others. However, I don’t want to narrow this down to just Jane Austen books. If I read something else, I read something else.

Subscribe to a subscription box.

I had an eh experience with a certain YA subscription box a year or so ago, but I’d like to try a different service. I’ve got my eye on Shelflove Crate’s fantasy box, but I’m still not 100% sure. There’s also some UK/AUS ones that I’d LOVE to get, but shipping is waaaay too expensive. Do you have any box recommendations?
Complete 10 series.

I don’t know how, and I don’t know which ones, but I want to do this. I’ve got multiple third books of trilogies sitting on my TBR, so I’d like to knock those off my list. I also need to start some series. This one’s just open to whatever.
Be more active on my blog’s Facebook and my personal Instagram and Twitter accounts.

I was doing pretty good on my social media presence for a while, but I let it slide since I moved and got a real job. I really would like to get back into this. I’d also love to be more interactive with other book lovers on their social media accounts.
Redesign my blog.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my blog layout. I created it a few years ago, and it matches my aesthetic. However. I’ve been clamoring for an update for a while now. Unfortunately, I have to do the designing myself (I refuse to pay the astronomical prices for a designer to do it when I know I can do it if I just sit down and make myself). I simply have to find the time and figure out what design I’d like to try.
Read 50 books.

Now, this is a personal goal, not what I’m going to put on Goodreads. I’m actually only going to put 10 books on my Goodreads Challenge. I just don’t want that pressure in my reading life. I would like to read more than I did in 2017, though, I’m just not going to judge myself if I don’t make it to 50. I know I can make it 10, so…

Read 20 books I already owned prior to 2018.

I’ve had hundreds of books on my TBR shelves for years now. While I managed to get rid of 150 or so of these in my recent unhaul (check out part one and two of that unhaul here), I still need to get through that TBR. Yikes.

Read more adult SFF.

I read a lot of YA books. A lot. I also read a lot of YA science fiction and fantasy. I’d like to expand my horizons and venture into the adult SFF world. I know there are some good ones out there, I just need to pick them up.
Write more.

This is going to encompass two separate goals.

A I’d like to write more blog posts than I have in the past two years. While I know why I couldn’t write as much, I’d still like to bump this up to a post every day, which I’m on track to do so far. Hooray!

B I want to actually write down some of the book ideas I’ve had. Right now, I’ve got one weighing on my mind that I’d really like to try writing. I just always have issues actually typing the stupid things out.


Alright, there you have it. My list of bookish resolutions and goals. What did you put on your list? Let me know in the comments section.


  1. I also read a ton of YA, especially with a supernatural element and have vowed to vary my genre more... this will probably not happen but I'll try. lol.
    Laura :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I think every year I vow to read more adult books. Every year I don't. :)

  2. OOoh nice ones!! Subscription boxes are hard! I'm always afraid I will get a book in a genre I just do not like/read or something to that effect or it will be a book I already have and it's not a special cover or anything like that! I already know that that two boxes I have coming are of books I own, but they are guaranteed to be exclusive covers and actually signed! So I am pretty stoked about that! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yeah, the content is great. The price is what's iffy.

  3. I just subscribe to Owlcrate and I'm loving it! Now I don't have to worry about buying anymore books because of this! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I haven't really been super impressed with the unboxings a I've seen of Owlcrate. Plus, they send YA contemporary books, and I'm just not into those anymore... :(


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!