Saturday, March 10, 2018

Stacking the Shelves: The Swagtastic ARC-fest Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Besides a snow storm on Wednesday—that promptly melted on Thursday—nothing major happened this week. It’s been pretty quiet. I just went to work, went to the gym, and came home. Except for Wednesday night. I skipped the gym Wednesday night. I definitely didn’t want to walk home that night. Ick.

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn
Game of Shadows by Erika Lewis
Spymaster by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes
Luna: Wolf Moon by Ian McDonald

So many ARCs this week! My boss told me to recycle all of the ARCs that were older than a year. Of course, I couldn’t just get rid of some of them. They were free ARCs! These are just some of the ones I was able to grab. The rest will come next week. (I couldn’t carry them all home at the same time. That would have been way too heavy for the subway.)

I traded with someone on Twitter for two Reign of the Fallen character cards and some extra swag. There’s temporary tattoos for Rebel of the Sands, Lady Midnight cards, The Crown’s Game stickers, and a Vicious card. The Empress of a Thousand Skies buttons and stickers were random. They just showed up in my mail. I think the author sent them as a thank you for participating in her book’s blog tour.

Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction

I actually purchased this one last month, and it just came in today. I bought it so I could get some help with writing my own book. (Yep. I’m writing a fantasy book. I’m 4,000 words in. I’ve got a long way to go…) The complete set of Reign of the Fallen cards was another trade on Twitter. Unfortunately, after I traded for the other two, someone with the whole set responded. So now I have duplicates of a couple of characters. Oh well…

Alright, this last ARC is the big one. And it is….

The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I borrowed this one from work. It’s actually already back at the office now. I devoured it in two days. Jennifer’s books are super easy to fly through.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Congrats on all the ARC's and I have Jennifer L Armentrout on my want to read list!! I love swag-and collect it myself. I love getting things-bookish mail-that you don't know where it came from!! Have a great wee!!

  2. Love the swag that's awesome! And yes I will need to get my hands on the new JLA book her stuff is always amazing and I have plenty to catch up on but still this one sounds amazing! My Shelf

    1. I have plenty of her books to catch up on too. You're not alone. ;)

  3. Super cool swag! I definitely agree about JLA's books being super easy to get through! I love a good JLA read! :)

    My StS

    Brittani @
    Hope, Faith & Books

  4. OK so this is where I have to come forward and say I've never read JLA :O She's been on my tbr forever.

    I hope you love your new books!

    Weekly Wrap-Up

    1. Aww man. I think you're missing out. Her books are addicting.

  5. Good luck with the book you're writing! Every writer had only 4000 words at some point, just keep writing and you'll get there ;) Have a nice weekend!

    My STS post

  6. Awesome with writing a book! I wish you luck! I hope you have a good week in reading. I just got back in my home after a week of no power so I am behind in things. Have a good week. =)

    Mary Can’t Wait Wednesday

  7. I would have such a hard time recycling ARCs! I would want to make homes for all of them on my bookshelves :) I hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    1. It was tough! I'm just glad I could take the ones I wanted home.

  8. I need to check out Luna. And I agree, you can't just let the ARCs go to waste.


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!