Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Top 5 Disappointing Reads of 2015

It’s the end of the year, which means I’ve read a lot of books. Some were good. Some were bad. And some were just disappointing for reasons I will explain. That’s where this post comes in.

For this post, I will simply be giving you exactly what the title says: My Top 5 Disappointing Reads of 2015. Now, these won’t necessarily be 2015 releases; they’re just books I’ve read in 2015. Oh, and I know 2015 isn’t over yet, but I don’t plan on reading any terribly disappointing books in the next week or so.

I decided to only do five books because I only had six that I even considered for this post, so narrowing it down to five was just easier.

Oh, and I have to clarify before I get started that these books are not necessarily terrible books, they just didn’t live up to my expectations.

Now, onto the Top 5!

Splintered by A.G. Howard

I had been hearing good things about this book since it was released, but I never managed to get my hands on it. When I finally did, I was hoping for a unique and magical book that reflected the unique and magical cover. Unfortunately, it was mostly a weird read, not a magical, fantastical one.

To better understand why this book made it onto this list, check out my review.

Half Bad by Sally Green

This was another one that I’d been hearing nothing but good things about. Everyone sounded so thrilled about this unique, magical world and the characterization of the main character, but I thought this book was a hot mess. The main reason I was excited to read this was because it had elements of an male-male relationship. In a paranormal young adult mass-published book series, this is rare. However, the potential lover character didn’t even show up until the last part of the book. I don’t plan on picking up the sequel to this series unless I get ahold of the book for very, very cheap.

To better understand why this book made it onto this list, check out my review.

Death Marked by Leah Cypess

I LOVED the first book in this duology. Death Sworn was ridiculously good. It even made it onto my Top 10 list of 2014. But this book, it just fizzled out. The world development didn’t continue and the characters completely changed from strong, interesting individuals to weak and indecisive blahs. And the new characters who were introduced just weren’t as compelling as the original ones.

To better understand why this book made it onto this list, check out my review.

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

This is another duology that just fizzled out. This one mainly had to do with one specific aspect, though: the sex tape aspect. Now, that’s not exactly what goes down in this story, but it’s close, and let me just say, I LOATHE sex tape stories. It seems like they’re everywhere in YA and there’s so much slut-shaming that it makes me sick. So, while I liked who Lara Jean ended up with, the actual storyline of this book had me very upset.

To better understand why this book made it onto this list, check out my review.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

This is the one that I’m devastated about. This book was supposed to blow me away and break so many fantasy-story boundaries, but it severely disappointed me. The romantic relationship wasn’t as emotionally investing as in Rainbow’s other books and the characters weren’t as lovable as I hoped they’d be. I wrote a huge discussion over my thoughts (I didn’t call it a review for reasons I explained in the post) that you should check out if you want to know more.

To better understand why this book made it onto this list, check out my discussion.


Well, there you have it. Those are the most disappointing books I read in 2015. Of course, these are just my opinions, so feel free to disagree. If you do disagree, or if you have other books you’d like to mention, feel free to do so in the comments!

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!