Thursday, October 22, 2015

Harry Potter Party Night Recap!!!

My friends and I had a Harry Potter Party last weekend. Be jealous, my fellow book lovers. Be very jealous. 

Originally, we were just supposed to make one snack and one beverage to have at the party. I went a little overboard, though. Okay, a lot overboard. You’ll definitely see this in the pics.

First off, I bought some Ravenclaw pants (Go RAVENCLAW!) from Hot Topic. I already had the Hogwarts/Disney combo T-shirt though. Oh! I also bought some socks from Hot Topic too! You can’t see them, but they say “Mischief Managed” on them. They came in a bundle of five or six pairs. I can’t remember which.

I also decided everyone needed a treat bag once I found the idea on Pinterest. This meant making and buying the following:

Dementor’s Kisses (Hershey Kisses)
Gringotts money (chocolate coins)
A Platform 9¾ ticket
A bookmark affiliated with their House
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans (jellybeans in a colored foldable printout)
A chocolate frog (chocolate turtles inside a black-and-white, foldable printout)
A golden snitch (a Ferrero Rocher with paper wings)
A Honeyduke’s treat bag
*My roommate also made some customized Hogwarts letters

Then, I decided we needed more craft fun-times besides just making a wand (my roommates’ idea). We made the wands with sticks, hot glue, and paint. They’re very cool.

That meant setting up a potions table with a HELLA lot of glitter and nail polish. I got the vials from Walmart, but they didn’t have corks that would fit (stupid Walmart), so I got clay to mold as a stopper and hot glue to keep it in place. The label went on with Mod Podge and the stopper was made shiny with the Mod Podge, too.

As for the food, I made Pumpkin Pasties with pumpkin pie mix and puff pastry stuff (I cheated, I know) and Butterbeer (in the cute mugs and with cream soda and butterscotch syrup). My roommate made a cauldron cake (it turned out like more of a regular cake shape, though) and a pineapple Hufflepuff alcoholic drink (in the mini-goblets with our names on them).

My other friends made Cockroach Clusters and a flaming alcoholic drink (only one of the drinks actually flamed. FAIL.), a pesto spaghetti dish (it was green, so it counted for Slytherin), and a pumpkin soup, which was actually pretty good.

We also all represented a House, but since there were five of us, two of us decided to be Ravenclaws. My roommate printed out the House sigils and I made some “Wanted” posters based off of Sirius Black’s posters to give the room some added décor. 

She also made navigation signs for the girls’ lavatories, dormitories, the Great Hall (our kitchen), and the luggage rack. I wish she would have made two more for Ollivander’s and Potions Class. Oh well…

Oh, she also made the floating candles you saw at the beginning of the post and a Quidditch pong set-up that I didn’t take pictures of for some reason.

But during all of the crafts, food, and pong, we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on repeat—no one turned it off for some reason. We stupidly didn’t know the Harry Potter marathon was happening on ABC Family.

I probably forgot something and I’ll remember it later, but for now, this is all I have. Just know that it was awesome. Everyone should have a Harry Potter Party sometime in their life.

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