Saturday, October 3, 2015

Stacking the Shelves: The Too Many Books and Too Much Money Edition

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme that is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Too many books. I need to stop and save my money. Eat or buy more books? Ugh, life choices.

Antigoddess by Kendare Blake
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
The 5thWave by Rick Yancey

Beauty Awakened by Gena Showalter (not pictured)
Fangirl (Collector’s Edition) and Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I bought another Book Outlet order because I plan on going to Rainbow Rowell’s St. Louis signing in October and David Levithan is going to be there signing his new book, too. Since the only book I own by him is already signed, I thought I should get something else to take to the event. Thankfully, Book Outlet had some of his books, so I was able to get Invisibility and some others that I really wanted (*cough* Trial by Fire *cough*), all for the price of one hardback book.

And, because I’m going to the signing, I wanted to pick up Attachments and the special edition of Fangirl. The special edition is so pretty, guys. There are no words.

Oh, and I also traded some books in at my local used bookstore for Beauty Awakened.

Ugh. There’s just way too much money that went into all of these and I have more books that are on their way. (Or already here, since they’re supposed to be here by the 30th of September. This post is going up pretty early.) I’ve got to slow waaaaaay down.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Nice haul! That's a lot of books, but you probably got some great deals from Book Outlet. Enjoy them all!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

    1. They're definitely good deals, so at least I'm not spending as much as the retail value. :)

  2. I actually got Attachments recently! I can't wait to read it :D It's so great you'll get to go to that Rainbow Rowell's signing :)
    Happy reading!

    Lipstick and Mocha

    1. I know, I"m excited! She wrote my favorite book of all time! (Minus Harry Potter) I still need to read Attachments, too, so we're in the same boat. :)

  3. I really enjoyed Trial by Fire! I am waiting for the sequel from my library right now. I hope you enjoy it. :)

    My STS:

    1. I need to get the sequel, too! I forgot how much I loved this book until I realized the sequel was already out! XD

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Enjoy your is over rated :)

    1. Haha. My brain agrees with you. My stomach does not. ;)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I need to lose weight, so if only I could buy more books than food, maybe that would help? :-) Understand your predicament! Great haul!
    Check out my STS


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!