Tuesday, January 31, 2023

My Top 5 Ships of 2022 - Spoilers Ahead!!!

I'm warning you now, there will be SPOILERS in this post for the following series: Legendborn, Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac, Beautiful Monsters, Zodiac Academy, and From Blood and Ash. So do not continue with this post if you haven't read all of the books in those five series. While I love interacting with my blog followers, I don't want to spoil anyone.

You may be asking why I'm even sharing this post if probably everyone who stops by can't read it. Well, it's mostly for me. I like to look back at all my Top lists and reminisce. So, here they are, just for me. And maybe you if you've read those books. Ha ha.


Nick, Bree, and Selwyn from Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
Artwork by @jessdraw.s

I have to be honest, I haven't read the second book in this series yet. However, I am rooting for a throuple so hard. Nick is such a nice guy, while Sel is...not. It would be great to see them in a relationship, and I think Bree is a strong, independent character who doesn't have to be with either of them but chooses the disaster boys anyway. But, like I said, I have no idea what is actually going to happen. These characters may or may not end up together, but I'm still going to root for them in fanfiction. Lol.

Leon & His Lionesses from Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Artwork from AMillionWorldsDesign

Like a lot of the books on this list, I pretty much binged the entire Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac series. I think I took a short break between two of the books, but still, it wasn't a long break at all. And, while the main female character in this reverse harem has major not-like-other-girls syndrome, there is one guy in this harem that has me rolling. Leon, the Nemean lion (basically a lion shifter), is hilarious! And his "lionesses" all together make me laugh so hard. I'm excited that the authors are planning to release a novella from their POVs for the events of Zodiac Academy, especially Leon.
Matthew & Tarrick from Beautiful Monsters by Jex Lane

I devoured the first three books in the Beautiful Monsters series, and I'm desperately waiting for book four. But the reason I love it so much is the Matthew and Tarrick relationship. It's so twisted and strange, and I both want them to be with each other but at the same time fight it out cage-match style. They have so much tension. I mean an incubus and a half-incubus/half-vampire?! That's crazy. 
Seth & Caleb from Zodiac Academy by Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti
Artwork and photo from Thenubivagantcabinet

Another major spoiler for another series. I warned you. I was spoiled for this couple (which isn't even 100% confirmed yet) from an enamel pin set by Prettygalpins. However, the pin design is what made me want to read the books. And I'm glad I did. Not only do I love almost everything about Zodiac Academy, I ship this couple so hard that I've reread many of their scenes. I haven't done that for any other couple in the series, just this one. I also need to buy this print. It's very pretty, and probably the best one of this couple I've seen for sale anywhere.
The Joining Crew from From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Artwork by Dominique Wesson

I mean, how could this not be number one? It involves my favorite character, Kieran Contou, and my other favorite characters, Poppy and Hawke. They are just such a delight together. I recently reread The War of Two Queens, and it reminded me how much I adore all of them for different reasons. Even when Hawke made me mad in the third book, I still loved him. Kieran is the steady personality I feel like everyone needs in their life, Poppy is the stabby friend you want to have your back, and Hawke is the hot guy you drool after. I LOVE THEM! And I can't wait to see what happens to the three of them in the next book. Which sadly is an entire year away. 😭


Alright, there you have it. My favorite ships of 2022. What were your favorite ships of the year? Let me know in the comments section.

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!