Monday, August 3, 2020

July Wrap-Up & August TBR

Like June, July 2020 was a good reading month. In addition to reading, I also went kayaking for the first time in my life! It was fun. Not something I’ll do again in the near future, but it was still fun. Also, August is my birthday month, so while I’m not excited to turn 27, I am excited to buy a few presents for myself.

But back to the wrap-up…

In the wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in July

Heartsong: 3.5/5 stars (ebook)
Aurora Rising: 4/5 stars (my review)
House of Earth and Blood: 3/5 stars
Soul of Stars: 3.5/5 stars
Aurora Burning: 4/5 stars (ebook)
Endless: 4/5 stars
Empower: 3/5 stars
Children of Blood and Bone: 4/5 stars
The Extraordinaries: 4/5 stars
The Bromance Book Club: 3/5 stars (ebook)
From Twinkle, With Love: 3/5 stars (not pictured)

I read eleven books again this month. I can’t believe I’ve read in the double digits for the past two months. It’s kind of crazy how chill my life is right now that I can read so much. Yay to working from home!

  Three of the books I read were ebooks: Heartsong, Aurora Burning, and The Bromance Book Club. Aurora Burning and The Bromance Book Club were impulse buys after I was feeling a reading slump coming on. I ended up reading both within the 24 hours of purchasing them. This gives me the feeling that I need to trim down by physical TBR, since I think I’d enjoy just purchasing books as I want to versus picking up books I may not be excited for anymore…. Eh. We’ll see. 

As for print books, I finished the Violet Eden series! That was a major reading goal of 2020, so I'm happy that's complete. Other than those two, I only read two other books that I owned pre-2020: Children of Blood and Bone and From Twinkle, With Love. Children of Blood and Bone was my high school reunion book club book pick. We all enjoyed it, and we may pick the sequel for our next book club pick. We shall see... Also, the reason From, Twinkle isn't pictured is because I read it super last-minute on July 31st. I truly didn't think I was going to read anything for the rest of the month, but I randomly decided to pick it up. I guess I'll stop taking my wrap-up photos so early. Lol. 

Reviews are coming for all of these books.

Books Bought/Received in July

I bought four physical books and two ebooks this month. The Extraordinaries and The Princess Will Save You were part of my B&N order last month. However, both books were preorders, so I was charged in July. The third physical book I purchased was July’s FairyLoot book, but the box hasn’t been delivered yet. And finally, I preordered the Owlcrate edition of A Deadly Education, which won’t be here until fall. As for the ebooks, I already mentioned how I impulse-bought Aurora Burning and The Bromance Book Club. Oh, and I bought another ebook, Deviation by Christine Manzari, but it was free on Kindle.

The physical books I received this month include Soul of Stars, Empire of Sands and Realm of Ash, which were all part of my B&N order in June. The Forest of Souls was June’s FairyLoot book, and in that same box we got a copy of The Gilded Ones. I also received Adrienne Young’s Fable for review via NetGalley.

I was going to order FairyLoot’s Blood & Honey box, but that was a $hitshow of epic proportions. Between their awful website and their security issues, I just decided to move on. I haven’t read Serpent & Dove yet, so I’m just going to settle for purchasing the regular editions. Maybe I’ll regret this decision once I read the series, but FairyLoot is truly a mess right now.

Currently Obsessed With

Eh. I feel like this month hasn’t been super obsessive.

I binge-watched two television shows in July: Netflix’s Cursed and Kim’s Convenience. Cursed was a fun start to a fantasy series, but it’s frustrating in its butchering of the mythology. Kim’s Convenience on the other hand is utter hilarity and family feel-good moments. I loved it! Other than those two shows, I’m still rewatching Buffy with my mother, and we just started season four. Thus, we are also starting Angel season one. My mom isn’t super excited she has to watch two shows now. Lol.

Currently Reading/August TBR

None of the pictured books are must-reads. If I get to them this month, I get to them. No pressure. However, I do need to read Fable by Adrienne Young. I received an eARC for review via NetGalley, so I have to finish it before September.


Okay, well, that’s the month of July, plus some August sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for this month? If so, share in the comments!

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!