Saturday, May 2, 2020

Stacking the Shelves: The Collector's Edition

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I didn’t buy any books last week. This week, well… This week I was weak.

Red Queen and Glass Sword Collector’s Editions

So I recently went from part-time to full-time at my job. Finally! I went into the job knowing I’d be part-time for a while, until my boss could afford to hire another full-time employee. And thank the heavens, that day came! I was super surprised considering all that’s going on in the world.

To reward myself, I bought the collector’s editions of Red Queen and Glass Sword. I hadn’t originally planned on buying these. I don’t normally purchase special editions or keep more than one copy of books, unless they’re Harry Potter or Narnia. However, I recently read Broken Throne, book #4.5 in the series, and I realized how much I LOOOOOOVE this series. So I bought these. I just hope this doesn’t create a pattern of me buying special editions. I don’t have the money to do this all the time. Eek.

I also bought the latest Supernatural Entertainment Weekly editions. I  don't normally collect magazines. I actually only really started purchasing them in the past year, but it's just for shows I really like, such as GoT and SPN. Both are over now, so I shouldn't be adding to this collection any time soon. Though I have been considering purchasing some back issues of both shows and the Buffy reunion edition. Yikes.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. OOh nice! I admit, I am a TOTAL SUCKER for special editions if they're of my favorite books! Caraval has one releasing this year and you can bet I already used one of my Christmas gift cards on preordering that puppy!! It's hard to resist when you love the series so much!

    I still can't believe Supernatural is in its 15th season! I've been watching since day 1 and every year I feared that the show would be canceled after so few seasons. I think as we neared the 10th I let myself breathe! Lol. But now it really is coming to an end and I'm not ready! Especially since COVID19 has mucked up their schedule to air the episodes. I can't decide if that's bittersweet or pure torture. Every year when the season recaps with Carry On My Wayward son I've always enjoyed it, but now when I actually listen to the lyrics and apply them to this epic final season...I fear the worst!! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all of your new lovelies!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I love Jensen and Jared, but I'm so ready for SPN to be over. It's gone so downhill story-wise in recent years, and I want the actors to move on to projects with better writing. So this delay on the final episodes is definitely upsetting. I just want to know what Jensen's going to do next! 😭

      As for special editions, I don't think I'll be buying anymore anytime soon. But I guess we'll see... If more RQ versions come out, I may be in trouble. Lol

  2. Okay - so maybe now I really want to know what Red Queen is because it it has to be good to bring out a collectors edition.
    My STS -

    1. I highly encourage you to read it! It's a great YA fantasy/dystopian! XD

  3. Oh I LOVE supernatural. I might look out for that magazine!!

    Here is my Sunday post. Take care! x


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