Sunday, May 3, 2020

April Wrap-Up & May TBR

My second wrap-up post of 2020! I can’t believe I’m actually keeping up with my blog posts after a year and a half of neglect. It’s exciting!

In the wrap-up portion of this post, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in April

Crush the King: 3/5 stars (my review)
The Burning Shadow: 3/5 stars (my review)
Entice: 3/5 stars (my review)
Broken Throne: 4/5 stars (my review)
Heart of Iron: 4/5 stars (review to come)
The City of Brass: 4.5/5 stars (review to come)
This Shattered World: 3/5 stars (review to come)

I read seven books this month! I have a feeling most of these reads are a result of being on lockdown for the entire month of April, but still, I read them! And, better yet, I read six books that were on my TBR prior to 2020. Considering my goal is to 15 books I already owned prior to 2020, these six plus my one from March leaves me at seven books read that I already owned.  I’m almost halfway there! Woot! Woot!

I hope next month can produce the same or better reading results, but I’m not sure. Lockdown is over for Missouri starting May 4th, so I won’t be working from home anymore. But on the pro side, my mom and I finally caught up on my re-watch (and her first watch) of Supernatural, which means I now have free time on my hands after work. So I’m curious to see how the month of May works out reading-wise.

Books Bought/Received in April

I bought four books this month. Kind of. I actually bought Storm & Fury in March. However, I wasn’t able to include it in my March wrap-up post, since it arrived via mail this month. Also, I recently purchased a copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but it won’t get here until May. So technically, I only really “bought and received” three books this month: House of Blood and Earth and the collector’s editions of Red Queen and Glass Sword, all of which were ordered online from Barnes & Noble. Oh, and because I’ve already read three of these, I’ve only added one book to my TBR this month! Yay!

I also ordered a pair of bookends for my bookshelves as well as copies of the Supernatural Entertainment Weekly magazines. I’ll be sure to take some pics on my Instagram account of what the bookends are holding up. I’m actually pretty excited for it.

Currently Obsessed With

Normally, I use this section to share what I’ve been obsessing over lately. Unfortunately, I haven’t really had anything to be obsessed over in April, though. My mom and I finished Supernatural, I haven’t found a new show to binge watch, and no movie theaters are open right now. So instead of “obsessed with,” I’m just going to share some things I’ve been doing this month.

My biggest entertainment has come from re-watching episodes of Parks & Recreation. I put on episodes for background noise whenever I’m working or waiting for a Zoom meeting to start. I think I only have one season left though. I’ve been going through them pretty fast. I guess I’ll need to find another background-noise show, since I’ve already used The Office. I'm thinking it may be That 70s Show. Oh, and I also finished season one of Wynonna Earp. I’m a little iffy on that finale—and episode one of season two—but I plan on continuing with the show by watching an episode every week or so. It’s not something I want to binge.

On Youtube, I’ve been watching a lot of Booktube lately. This is bad. Why? Because Booktube typically encourages me to buy books, especially the pretty ones. Why do you think I decided to buy collector’s editions of Aveyard’s books?

Currently Reading/May TBR

In May, I’m going to try to finish Kaufman and Spooner’s Starbound trilogy, so I’m currently reading Their Fractured Light (not pictured). Other than that, I have five other books I’d like to get to, but only two are ones that I really want to read this month: A Queen in Hiding and Emblaze. Like I’ve previously mentioned, I’m trying to read all of the books in Shirvington’s Violet Eden series, so the third book is on my list. As for A Queen in Hiding, I just want to marathon the entire series, and since I have the first three books, I thought I’d go ahead. (I’ll order book four online if I end up liking the series.)

As for The Lost Prince, Allied, and Starfall, these are just books I’d like to get to in order to finish some series I’ve been putting off. However, I’m only going to make myself read one of them. If I read more than one, that’s okay too, but I’d like to have a bit of a looser TBR this month.


Okay, well, that’s the month of April, plus some May sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for this month? If so, share in the comments!

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!