Sunday, April 19, 2015

Which Team Are You? : The Batman vs. Superman Edition

I basically just post a book series every week and have people vote on what team they are. I know the YA Sisterhood does the YA Crush Tournament, but I just want to find out how much you guys like one love interest over another, in one series.

Last week's poll was over Team Robb or Team John from Georgie R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. Team John won! 

So for this edition of “Which Team Are You?” I’m going to ask you the ultimate question. Are you Team Batman or Team Superman? 

You can (obviously) choose from:

1)  Batman

or 2) Superman

I’m more of a Batman fan than a Superman fan. Don’t tell my dad.

If you had to choose one, who would it be, and why? I don’t think anyone is unaware of these two famous characters, so I don’t think I need to provide a description.

Which Team Are You?

Team Batman
Team Superman
Poll Maker
***Please note that I stop checking the poll the Friday before the new poll comes out (on Sunday). Also, please only vote once so everyone’s vote counts, unless you need to vote for both guys. I give you permission to do that because sometimes choosing is tough.***

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