Saturday, June 8, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Hip Hip Hooray! Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Another weekend is here. Wow. 2024 is just flying right on by. I didn't do a whole lot this week. It was pretty much the same ol' stuff. Work, gym, sleep, eat, etc. I am in the process of unhauling some books as well as moving a lot of books from my parents' house, which is causing some stress. I've been seeing a lot of videos about book mold, and it's got me really paranoid lately. I don't think any of my books have it, I just don't want to ever have it, if you know what I mean. *Shudders in disgust.* I couldn't imagine my books being destroyed like that. I think I'd throw up and cry, and then just give up on life.

Let's move on to happier topics, shall we? First up, I've got more Zodiac Academy. This is Ruthless Fae, book two in the series. I got this one from PangoBooks. It and the one below are the last ZA books that I will ever order from a secondhand site. I just can't take the stress anymore of guessing if the shipper will be sending them in proper packaging, if they're actually in as good of shape as their photos seem, etc. Thankfully, this one is okay. The spine is a little wonky, as you can tell it's been read before, so it's got a tilt to it, but I'm using some heavy books to flatten it out a bit. The package did come with some cute bookmarks, stickers, and this pen too. How cute! Oh, and there was a sticker on the bubble mailer that said "Hip Hip Hooray! IT'S BOOK MAIL DAY" hence my post title

Up next, I have Origins of an Academy Bully, the prequel novella for the ZA series. I wasn't really planning on buying this thing, since it's so tiny and it might actually be in a larger bindup, but I had a $5-off-a-$30-purchase coupon on Pango, so I needed something cheap to get the second ZA book. Since this was only $8, I decided to go for it. My Barnes & Noble order for Amber V. Nicole's Dawn of the Cursed Queen also arrived. This is the third book in the series. I don't own book two yet. I'm thinking I'll buy that once the fourth book releases. This series is going to be seven books, so I have time to get it, especially since I'm waiting for them to all release before I reread book one and then binge the rest of the series.

 I almost forgot to include this, since I already read it and put it away on my shelves. My B&N order of Honey Cut by Sierra Simone arrived Monday evening. And I promptly started reading it that night and finished it at 3 a.m. Tuesday morning. Yes, I did skim some of the spicy scenes from one character's POV (*cough* Isolde *cough*), but I still finished it. So it counts. I will hear no objections.

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. Ooh nice! I about jumped out of my seat when you mentioned the horror of book mold! Especially since I have the majority of my books in storage that idea terrifies me! I did pay a little extra to be in a climate controlled environment one so it's indoors and always kept at a nice normal temperature so things won't get overheated and hopefully one that prevents mold as well. Egads that terrifies me!

    Sorry to hear of your more misses than not with buying used on Pango. I feel like that's the deadly gamble we readers pay when we buy used, no matter the site. SOOO many times I've bought books that said LIKE NEW and charged LIKE NEW prices and what I get is a book that's been through hell and back and I wanted to know WTF they think a used book looks like if this cracked to hell spine is LIKE NEW! So yes, I feel and share your pain!

    The books are all new to me ones. I've been hearing about the ZA books but I don't think they are quite my style from what I've heard. But I always love when others love a series so much! I just get a thrill from other people loving books as much as I do, even if we aren't lovin on the same books! Lol. Also, I would say it totally counts too to read a book and skim over spicy scenes that are *too* much. I've done that before with one author. I love the stories but some times the spicy scenes are too much and too long so I'll start with a few lines and then skip ahead to when they finish. Lol. Sometimes I appreciate the less is more kind of thing, but I feel like I'm in the minority when that happens at the best of times! Largely because I know the books do get categorized as romance and while I do enjoy romance in the story, sometimes too much of a good thing rings true! Lol. Oh well. It still counts as reading and finishing the book though if you have to skip a few pages here and there! ;)

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your reads when you read them or for ZA, I think it was just collecting the old ones now right? I couldn't remember if you were caught up in reading them all or not!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!