Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May Wrap-Up & June TBR

Well, we're almost halfway through 2024. Yikes. The month of May was full of ups and downs. I recovered from a post-ApollyCon illness in the first half of the month, slogged for another week, and am only just now feeling like I'm becoming a person again. I'm also getting back into reading. Woohoo! I actively want to pick up a book, and the only thing stopping me is how tired I've been after coming home from work and the gym. But, I'm ready for the weekends to just be me and my current read.

In this wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in May

Zodiac Academy: Restless Stars: 3.5 stars
The Hanged Man: 4 stars
The Hourglass Throne: 4 stars
We Should Be So Lucky: 3.5 stars

I only read four books in May, all of which were new purchases. The first read of the month was Zodiac Academy: Restless Stars, the ninth, and final book in the ZA series. It's been a wild ride, and although this last installment wasn't quite what I wanted, it definitely wasn't a terrible ending by any means. I think I'd like to reread the entire series at some point though, just to give the ending a fair chance. Maybe in a year or two when a TV show is announced. Next, I desperately wanted to read the sequels to The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards: The Hanged Man and The Hourglass Throne. I read them despite knowing the fourth book isn't likely to release until 2026. Ugh! But they're addicting paranormal/urban fantasy books. I couldn't make myself stop. And lastly, I read You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian, a 1960s baseball MM romance. This was good, but not as fun as the companion book I read earlier this year.

Books Bought/Received in May

Now it's time for the dreaded "How much damage can I do to my bank account in a single month?" section. Altogether, I bought 18 books in the month of May, and of those, I received 11 of them. I also received eight other books (i.e., preorders, gifts, etc.). That's a total of 19 books I actually physically received in the month altogether.

I'm gonna start with the eight books I received in the month, which means I didn't pay for them in May. They were paid for in April or earlier or they were gifts. For the preorders that arrived this month, I got the three books in the FairyLoot Dark Elements trilogy and the April FairyLoot Adult Book, Evocation by S.T. Gibson. Sierra Simone was also generous enough to send me a copy of Salt Kiss after mine was lost at ApollyCon. She also sent a copy of the novella Salt in the Wound as well. Yay! Thank you, Sierra! And then two Barnes & Noble orders, The Hanged Man and The Hourglass Throne, were technically purchased in April but didn't arrive until May 1st.

 As for the 18 books I actually bought in May, there are too many. The 11 that arrived in May include eight orders from B&N: You Should Be So Lucky, Half-Blood by JLA, Burning Crowns by Catherine Doyle, The Queen's Starfire Throne by Hailey Turner, Five Broken Blades by Mai Corland, Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf, and Zodiac Academy #6 and #8.5. Those last two were actually purchased using a gift card balance. Now, I also preordered/bought seven other books that won't arrive until June or later. Those include two other B&N orders, The Dawn of the Cursed Queen and Honey Cut; two additional Zodiac Academy books from Pango; an Owlcrate preorder of Ashes and the Star-Cursed King; and two FairyLoot preorders for The Hemlock Queen and The Curse of Sins

Currently Obsessed With

I haven't been watching anything new this month. But, I have been watching new episodes....

Okay, so that was a dumb way to say Bridgerton season three, part one, is what I watched in May. Along with the rest of Anne with an E on Netflix. I'm almost done with the last season. Other than those, I think I rewatched an episode or two of Everybody Hates Chris, though the characters are kind of annoying now that I'm in season two. The first season was fun and nostalgic, but something feels different in this season. I also rewatched The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Hercules; and Crazy Rich Asians at my parents' house over Memorial Day weekend. Oh, and one major, non-book, non-TV update, I downloaded The Sims 4 on my laptop, which probably isn't good for my productivity or my laptop. Ha. I played a bit over the weekend, and I plan to play it during other future weekends as well.

June TBR

No surprise that there are repeats from last month in my May TBR, especially considering I only read four books in May. Although, ZA 9 was super thick, so that should count for extra, right? The repeats include Charm by Tracy Wolff, Visions of Flesh and Blood, and Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu. The newbies include Iron Flame, Salt in the Wound, and Honey Cut, which releases this month.


Okay, well, that's the month of May, plus some June sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last month? If so, share in the comments!

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