Saturday, June 1, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Dark Elements Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

By the time this post goes up, it'll be June. Yeesh. I'm not ready for summer. There's already too many bugs, mostly ants and cicadas, and it's getting hot. Too hot. Ugh. But anyway, I didn't have any books to share last week. This week, I have too many.

First up, I have my FairyLoot order of JLA's Dark Elements series. It was delivered to my parents' house last week. It also took forever for my order to ship out. I was getting so bummed seeing everyone else post pics of their copies. But mine finally arrived. Although, Stone Cold Touch came a bit dinged up, so I contacted FairyLoot for a replacement. Thankfully, they're sending one

Up next, I have some Zodiac Academy books. It turns out Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti are partnering with Simon & Schuster to repackage and distribute the ZA books for retailers, so I now have to scramble and finish buying all the books in their original covers, since those are the ones I like. I'll probably end up buying the new ones too. Just because I'm ridiculous and want the bonus content, not because they look better. Anywho, I got Fated Throne, #6 in the series, and Beyond the Veil, #8.5, from Barnes & Noble using a gift card I've had since Christmas. I also got book #5, Cursed Fates, from eBay. I was going to get the first book in the series from Pango. I'd made an order and everything, but the seller never shipped it out, so I canceled. And then, with my eBay order for #5, I specifically asked the seller if the book had any dings or damage, and they said no, but they shipped the book in a plastic mailer! No bubble mailer, bubble wrap, or a box at all! WTH! It came to me in okay condition, with only a few corner dings, but it could have made it to me in the condition it was shipped in if the seller had just used a box or a bubble mailer. Grr... I think I've decided to buy the rest of the books I need from B&N. It's way less stressful, even if it is more expensive, though I do have a couple more books already on their way, so fingers crossed they make it to me in one piece.

Lastly, I have another B&N order: Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf. Of course I preordered this one because of the fancy edges. But I also liked Sara's YA books, so I thought I'd give this one a try. My French edition of The War of Two Queens also arrived from FNAC, a French retailer. This thing shipped so fast! I ordered it the night of May 22nd, and it arrived on Memorial Day! I think. I'm not 100% sure because I found the package sitting behind my bush under my window on Tuesday morning before I went to work. I've never had a delivery driver hide packages like that. I got super lucky because I certainly didn't expect anything to deliver on the holiday.

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. I hate when people sell books but don't take care when mailing them out. It makes me wonder about their reader status as I know when I go to the annual book fair that sells used books super cheap that some of these people walking out with carts and boxes upon boxes full are just selling them online. I hate thinking things like that, but it usually ends up being true! Sorry to hear that one of your books arrived in less than stellar condition. I feel like something happened to a used book I just bought as well as I don't recall seeing the cover tear in the pictures but when I got it, there was a tiny tear. I'm not happy about it, but there's little that can be done as I did want this particular edition and they sold it at the cheapest rate so I'll have to deal!

    I felt like my copies of the Darkest Elements arrived late too, but if you just got yours, they were really late! I wonder if something was going on with getting these out since it seemed like so many others were getting theirs right away. It sucks. I pretty much know now that if I am getting a book from ANYONE it's going to be at least 2-3 days later than promised because that's just how our USPS centers have been handling things lately. Weird that your French edition was hidden like that. Was it delivered by DHL or someone like that? I feel like USPS/UPS/FedEx wouldn't have hidden it like that, but for all I know they did! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all of your new reads! Good luck tracking the rest of your Zodiac Academy series down too! I know when it comes to cover changes I'm usually 50/50 on them!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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