Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Darkmore Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Holy cannoli. June is almost over. Where did that entire month go? I haven't really changed my routine much. I'm still working, sleeping, working out, etc. All while trying to go through some books and reorganize my shelves. My place is still a disaster, and it probably will be for the next few months. Blugh. But stay tuned for an unhaul post coming soon.

As for books I added to my shelves this week, I have now started purchasing the spinoff books for the Zodiac Academy series in the matching covers. First up is books one and three in the Darkmore Penitentiary series, which I got from PangoBooks. And once again, the corners were damaged in shipping because someone decided to ship in a plastic bag. The only reason I bought these two used is because they're not available in these covers on Barnes & Noble's site, and I don't like Amazon. But I may have to bite the bullet and just order from Amazon. Boo. The last book in the Darkmore series releases at the end of July, so I plan to start this series and binge it all next month. I just need to buy books two and preorder book four. I also had my preorder of the new cover for JLA's White Hot Kiss arrive on Thursday. It got here pretty quick compared to other orders I've made from B&N. I think that's the difference between the indie shipping and the trad. published shipping, unfortunately.

Up next, I have the June Romantasy FairyLoot book, Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields. This one sounds alright. It's not really the type of book I'm into right now. It's another fae romance story. I'm really waiting for FairyLoot to wow me with this new sub, but they just haven't yet, sadly. I think it took a year or so for the Adult sub to gain some momentum, so hopefully that's the case here, as I think the only one I've truly been excited about is A Fate Inked in Blood back in February or March. The book itself is pretty, though.

 And next is my Fall of Ruin and Wrath dustjacket order from Dirty Diction Designs. This one is super cute. I like that it's purple with character art. It's very different from the original cover. Now, I just need to find a cheap used copy of the book on Mercari or something, so I can add this beauty to my JLA shrine.

I also managed to get one last free Kindle book during the Stuff Your Kindle fantasy version. This one is called Shadow Kissed by Rebecca L. Garcia. I've been wanting to read it for a while. Plus, I know the author is a regular attendee of ApollyCon, and... 

I got an ApollyCon ticket for 2025! Well, technically my friend managed to snag two Primal tickets, and I just paid her back for mine. But, holy cow! We've never been able to buy the tickets so quickly before. The first time we bought them in 2021 for 2022's event, I managed to purchase tickets when everyone else thought they were sold out, simply because Eventbrite does a weird thing where they hold tickets back and drop them every few minutes. The second time we tried in 2022 for 2023, we got resale tickets in December right before I moved, and then this year, we volunteered. So it's nice to 100% know we're going so we can plan and read all the things we want to.

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. I am so envious of your Apollycon ticket. I've been trying to buy one for the last couple of years and EVERY time I am at the ticket selection trying to get it to acknowledge my my add in to my cart. Then I am booted out and put into a queue that only lets me out once everything is sold out. I can't win. Like legit cannot win. Even when my family upgraded to the fastest internet available, I still lose. I thought for sure since all my favorite authors who attended last year and the year before and are not going this year, I could get one, but nope. It's truly feeling hopeless at this point. My friend managed to get one and I'm just ready to cry because I've been trying for soo many years and I'm not on Facebook so I can't even join the waitlist/resale crew.

    Nice new reads otherwise! lol. I had only just heard about the new WHK cover and was like wow! I'm trying to dial back my JLA cover collection. Although I did have to get the new Obsidian cover as that's my favorite series of hers! I did buy a few of her other reprints and then the first Half Blood Apollycon edition since extras were available. I'm shocked I got that to be honest!

    Hope you enjoy each of your new reads! Happy Reading!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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