Sunday, November 9, 2014

Which Team Are You? : The Summer I Turned Pretty Series by Jenny Han

I basically just post a book series every week and have people vote on what team they are. I know the YA Sisterhood does the YA Crush Tournament, but I just want to find out how much you guys like one love interest over another, in one series.

Last week's poll was over Team Stefan or Team Damon from L.J. Smith’s The Vampire Diaries series. Team Damon won! 

So for this edition of “What Team Are You?” I’m going to ask you who your pick of hunky man-flesh is from The Summer I Turned Pretty series by Jenny Han.  

You can choose from:

1)      Jeremiah

or 2) Conrad

I’m Team Conrad basically because he’s a) misunderstood, b) older than Jeremiah, c) kind of a bad boy?, and d) hot! If you had to choose one, who would it be, and why? If you haven’t read the books that are out right now (And why haven’t you?), who do you think sounds more appealing from the The Summer I Turned Pretty summary below.
Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most importantly, away from Jeremiah and Conrad. They are the boys that Belly has known since her very first summer--they have been her brother figures, her crushes, and everything in between. But one summer, one terrible and wonderful summer, the more everything changes, the more it all ends up just the way it should have been all along.

Which Team Are You?
Team Jeremiah
Team Conrad
free poll maker

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!