Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stacking the Shelves: The More Blood & Ash Fan Art Edition

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I wasn't supposed to get any books this week, or technically the next few weeks, but I went on a spontaneous trip to visit my little sister this weekend. She lives in the city that hosts the used bookstore I frequented in college, which I also still have trade credit at. Plus, I sold some books there to make a bit of extra cash; therefore, I couldn't just leave the building empty-handed. Right?

With my trade credit, I got some mass market paperbacks. I bought Rogue and Alpha by Rachel Vincent and Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning. I want to get into urban fantasy more, so these are some popular ones I'm going to eventually try. As for the fan art, it is, to no one's surprise, of From Blood and Ash characters. These and my Dominique Wesson prints are probably tied for my favorite fan art pieces. I can't stop staring at them. Plus, the artist sent me two free stickers!

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Ohhhh!!! I am LOVING your haul!!! I LOOOOOOOOVED this series by Rachel Vincent! And I of course LOVE Karen's Fever series! I think I still need to read her last book in that one before this year's which just came out that I still need to order! Eep! Be sure to pick up the rest of the Shifters series as that's definitely one to read in order! ;)

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha! I definitely plan to read the shifter books in order, but sadly these were the only ones the store had.


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!