Saturday, August 24, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The JLA Addict Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I took a vacation this week. For three days. It's been really nice to reset my brain and get away from work for a while. It was also my birthday, so it was super nice to not have to go into work then either. I didn't do a whole lot, though, I just cleaned my house and went with the 'rents to dinner. I plan to go furniture shopping this weekend, so that should be fun. Maybe. I am going to get some more bookshelves to go in my bedroom. I'm excited about those, for sure. Potentially buying a new couch and/or table aren't as fun though. Too much work and money. Ha ha.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have the FairyLoot Romantasy book for August. At least, I think it's August's book. I haven't really been paying attention to what month goes with which book lately. I used to wonder how people couldn't keep track of that kind of stuff when I watched videos online. Now I know. When you're not super excited about titles and they just keep coming every month, it's hard to remember what goes with what. But anyway, this month's is Bonded by Thorns by Elizabeth Helen. This cover is gorgeous! I wish FBAA had a cover like this. That character art is totally giving me Poppy vibes.

Speaking of FBAA, I have another edition of Born of Blood and Ash to add to the collection. I ordered one of the signed editions from Barnes & Noble Fairfax. It came with some goodies, like a little tote bag and some prints. I was a little disappointed the prints weren't foiled. I also didn't think the signature was the greatest. I think she signs better when at ApollyCon. But I'll probably go ahead and get the ASITE version from Fairfax too. Just because. My preorder bookmark and temporary tattoo also arrived. It's been a JLA-full week, as you'll see.

And next, I have the new Apollyon edition with sprayed edges. This came pretty early, and it was supposed to be delivered on Monday, but somehow it got mixed up with a local hospital's packages and went to their facilities. I had to call my post office to figure out who had signed for my book. So, after all that, this didn't end up being delivered until Thursday. My other Thursday delivery was the Indigo edition of BOBAA. I got it from Mercari.

I also impulse-bought the old covers of the Covenant series on eBay. I'm kind of meh about this purchase. The Apollyon edition has some weird ink stain at the bottom, which I knew when I bought it, and the Deity edition has a broken spine. So I'm not sure if I'll keep those two copies. I actually used to own a couple of these original covers, but I got rid of them years ago once the newer (now older) covers were released. I'm regretting getting rid of all my JLA older covers now that I've become an addict. Lol.

And lastly, I have my LitHaven edition of The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks. Holy cow. I ordered this thing like a year ago. It took so long for it to deliver. It's a pretty edition, but I don't know if it was worth waiting that long for. I have two other orders with LitHaven that are supposed to arrive soon, but I'm not sure I'll order from them again. I guess it just depends on what titles they release. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. OOh nice haul this week! I totally get you on the ordering a book and then having to wait almost a year for it. I'm battling one international book box company trying to get a refund for a book they have not shipped me in 2 years. I'm supposed to see a refund by today (the second time I'm told, but nothing's popped up in my PayPal so I'll be emailing them again Monday). But then a US one still has not shipped a preorder that I ordered in October of last year. I did check their site for updates and they had one, just nothing promising. Hopefully in the next month they plan to ship them.

    I have the OG covers of the Covenant series from when I was on the ARC team. When I was still a poor student or just finished with school and working deadbeat jobs that didn't pay and was poor, so I never bought "finished" copies. I didn't buy the second editions either. I haven't even bought these new editions. I think the only series I continued buying in their various reprints was the Lux series. I was debating about continuing the new hardcover versions when I decided that I must! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all of your new reads and newest editions for your collection! And yay bookshelf shopping! I'm hoping the fall turnaround of mortgage rates works in my favor so I can find my house and then buy the extra bookcases I've been wanting! Lol.

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yay! My idea to try a new browser worked! Firefox kept denying my comments on Blogger comment boxes and it was driving me nuts! So I did visit last week, but my comment was rejected multiple times!

    2. I constantly have trouble with the comments section in Blogger. That's why I don't comment on posts very often. It's so irritating. I wish Blogger could get itself together. I'm glad you're method worked, though!


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!