Tuesday, August 6, 2024

July Wrap-Up & August TBR

Holy guacamole! It's August already! 2024 is going by so fast! I didn't have a ton of time to read, as my older sister came to visit, my dad had his birthday, I had a major work deadline, and I'm still completing some home organization tasks. It's been busy. I hope August is a lot more chill.

In this wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in July

Charm: 1 star
A Whisper and a Breath: 3.5 stars
Silk & Sand: 4 stars
The Silent Prince: 4 stars
Wyn: 4 stars

I only read five books in July, which is one more than last month. So yay! Progress. I'm hoping I can get to six in August, especially since I plan to take some time off this month. The reason I was able to read so much in July (in comparison to previous months) had a lot to do with getting Kindle Unlimited back. Scrolling through an ebook on my phone is just so much easier for some reason. Four out of five of this month's reads were KU books. The only physical book I read was Charm by Tracy Wolf. Dear lord, this was a hard book to get through. It took me 11 months! It was so slow and unnecessary. There was a purple land for goodness' sake! Also, the author might have plagiarized the entire series (verdict still to come), so all in all, just not a good time. The other books were decent, though. I read A Whisper and a Breath by Adelaide Blaike, Silk & Sand by Katherine Diane, The Silent Prince by L. Eveland (which has the most horrid cover), and Wyn by Lily Mayne.

Books Bought/Received in July

I did a lot of retail therapy in the month of July. That, plus a lot of large preorders made this an extremely expensive month. Probably the most expensive I've ever had. Yikes. In total, I bought 31 books and received an additional twelve that were free or were paid for during other months. Of the 31 I ordered, I only have 14 in my possession right now. The rest haven't been delivered yet and some probably won't be until the end of the year.

For the 12 books I received, I got eight free Kindle ebooks: Royals of Villain Academy by Eva Chase, Shield & Sorrow by J.E. Ridge, A Dance with a Fae Prince by Elise Kova, Curse of Shadows and Thorns by L.J. Andrews, Unnatural Magic by Stacia Stark, Fallen Academy: Year One by Leia Stone, Avalon Tower by C.N. Crawford and Alex Rivers, and Lady of Darkness by Melissa Roehrich. The other four I received were all preorders that I'd paid for in earlier months that only just arrived in July. Those include The Hemlock Queen by Hannah Whitten and The Curse of Sins by Kate Dramis FairyLoot editions and the new editions of Obsidian and Pure that I'd preordered from Barnes & Noble that just happened to arrive in the beginning of July.

As for the 14 books I bought that I received, those consist of Masquerade by O.O. Sangoyomi, The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linde FairyLoot edition, The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons, the first Zodiac Academy book and Alpha Wolf by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti, Kings Rising by C.S. Pacat, Untamed by Lilian T. James Bookish Box edition, and a bunch of JLA books: Diety, the Dark Elements trilogy, Fall of Ruin and Wrath, A Fire in the Flesh (no dustjacket since its being used for other jackets), and a short story collection she contributed to called The Love Archives to raise money for Palestine. I have the ebook right now. I'm going to order the paperback too once it's available.

 Now my preorders for the month are where things got uber expensive. I'm still making payments on the Arcane Amelia Hutchins books, I preordered two three-book FairyLoot sets (Vampire Academy Pt. 2 and Poison Study Pt. 2), I ordered the Dutch editions of some FBAA books, and I preordered the Acrylipics FBAA set. That last one was $$$. I also purchased the Indigo edition of Visions of Flesh and Blood in July, but it arrived August 1st, so it'll be in my next wrap up haul. My FairyLoot Romantasy book is also at my parents' house right now. I just don't have it in my possession yet.  

Currently Obsessed With

As for TV/films, I have some new stuff to share and some old stuff that you've seen on my wrap-ups every month this year.

Yes, that's right, I started rewatching The Office again in early July. Shame on me. However, because of TikTok's incessant need to share clips, I am now watching/rewatching episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit completely out of order. Which is fine. I've seen most of the earlier seasons' episodes. I also continued watching House of the Dragon season two. By the time this post goes up, season two will be over, and the long wait for three will begin. In addition to that, I watched Deadpool & Wolverine in theaters with my dad, mom, and little sister for my dad's birthday. It was pretty funny. There were a lot of millenial jokes and Fox Marvel nostalgia. Oh, and my older sister and I forced my parents to watch The Eras Tour movie while she was visiting. I don't think they appreciated it as much as we'd hoped or the Taylor lore we shared with them. Lol.

August TBR

I have two repeats: Visions of Flesh & Blood by JLA and Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu. I will finish Visions this month. I must to prep for Born of Blood and Ash's release. It's coming up so soon. Aaaah! I'm not ready. I remember nothing! Other than those two, I want to read BOBAA and Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy, which both release this month. I also need to read Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton for my book club, and I'd like to finish my current read, Silver & Gold by Katherine Diane. I'm over halfway through right now.


Okay, well, that's the month of July, plus some August sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last month? If so, share in the comments!

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