Saturday, August 17, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The BOBAA Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Well, I definitely got out of my reading slump this past week. I actually read four books in a very short span of time, so I'm super excited to read some other stuff next. Especially the long list of titles I want to read for ApollyCon next year. But, the reason I was able to read like 3.5 books over four days (I read a bit of book one before the weekend and a bit of book four after the weekend) was because I was lazy and ill for those four days. All I did was get out of bed, move to my couch, and read. It was glorious, though now I have to clean everything in one weekend instead of spreading it out over two weekends. Boo. 

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have the Dutch editions of A Soul of Ash and Blood, A Light in the Flame, and A Fire in the Flesh. They have super pretty edges and character art on the inside flaps. So, no, I did not need another FBAA book that looks similar to all the others, but I got them anyway. Mostly because I was bummed about the exclusive BOBAA PR editions and wanted some retail therapy.
Speaking of Born of Blood and Ash, I have my copies here. Finally. I really wish Barnes & Noble would have some sort of faster shipping option. I wouldn't utilize it all the time, just whenever a new JLA or highly anticipated book comes out. But, anyway, I'm excited to read this one. Normally, I don't care much for the Flesh & Fire books. I'm more of a Blood & Ash girly. However, I'm excited to see how things sort of wrap up for this prequel series. Oh, and as you can see, I ordered both the regular and B&N editions. I actually have too many editions of BOBAA. I think one more is on the way. Eek.

And next, I have another tarot card purchase from Prettygal Pins. While the artwork on these is always pretty, I just don't care enough about Crescent City to know if I'm going to keep these or the first set Prettygal released a couple of years ago. I only really like a few of the side characters, so I may end up selling all of these or just selling some and keeping the characters I like.

As for the ebooks, I have two I downloaded on Kindle Unlimited. The first is Little Slice of Hell by Clio Evans. Clio is an ApollyCon author, so I thought I'd give this novella a try. Devil's Pass by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti is also a novella. It's part of their Harlequin Crew series. I just finished another series of theirs, and I'd like to immediately dive into this one, but I have to read BOBAA now and another book club pick. Sigh.

And right when I thought I was done typing up this post, I decided to download two more ebooks. I noticed on B&N when I was doing some browsing that Caroline Peckham had a couple of free novellas. So, I went ahead and got them for my Nook. Will I read them anytime soon? Probably not, but it's nice to have them anyway. The first is A Game of Vampires and the second is an anthology that Caroline Peckham contributed to, Creatures of the Dark

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!