Saturday, July 6, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The I Need to Buy Fewer Books Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

It's July. Wow. It was also a national holiday on Thursday. Did I do anything fun for the 4th of July? Nope. Just worked. Hurrah. I have a deadline coming up, so this entire month is going to be stressful. I doubt I get a lot of reading done. Or, if I do read a lot, it'll be because I did something bad... You'll see what I mean.

As for books I added to my shelves this week, I have two, both of which are JLA books, of course. I have the new edition of Obsidian, which I forgot I'd preordered. I also didn't know it had been delivered until I saw it on my doorstep the next morning. I guess you don't get shipping emails after you cancel your Prime membership. Lol. My preorder of the new edition of Pure also arrived from Barnes & Noble.

Up next, I have two ebooks to share. I got Eva Chase's Royals of Villain Academy, which I believe is a series name and not an individual title name, for free on Kindle. It's books one through four in the series. The author is going to be at ApollyCon, so I figured I'd give her books a try. I also downloaded Kindle Unlimited again and got A Whisper and a Breath by Adelaide Blake. I don't like Amazon, but I really need to stop buying so many books until I get my shelves under control and organized, so I figure KU will keep the temptation down. Also, I read the first book in the Riehse Eshan series, and I figured it would be cheaper to download KU for a month than to buy each sequel individually on Kindle.

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. OOh nice! Since I once again failed to get Apollycon tickets I treated myself to buying a signed copy of Obsidian from Jennifer's shop. at this rate, I will never get to attend Apollycon, so I'll just have to settle for paying more for her hardcovers just to get a new signed copy from her! So alas, I must wait for my copy Obsidian to arrive, I am super excited to see the rest of the series redesigned as hardcovers and I may or may not have to buy them. I figure the Lux series was my OG fave of hers, so I might need to have all those covers! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all of your new reads! That's weird Amazon didn't email you. I canceled my Prime years ago, but every now and then I place a $35 dollar order and they email when the order ships. Now if I get it when they say I will is another pretty much the same pattern as when I had Prime! Lol. It just takes an extra 2-3 days to be shipped originally, but it's length is still the same. At the end of our Prime it was taking 3-5 days to get stuff, not 2 and that was with them delivering it to the wrong address as well.

    Hope you enjoy all of your new reads!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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