Monday, July 8, 2024

June Wrap-Up & July TBR

Well, we're now halfway done with 2024. Wow. It's gone by terribly fast. And I feel like I  need a full month off work to get my life together. Please, I beg! Ugh. But anyway, I don't think anything super exciting happened this month. I'm basically just reorganizing and selling books, so my place is a disaster right now. And it'll probably stay that way for the next few months. I don't know what I was thinking starting up this project. Current me is very upset at past me.

In this wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in June

Iron Flame: 4 stars
Honey Cut: 3 stars
Of Sand and Silk: 3.5 stars
A Knife and a Blade: 3.5 stars

I only read four books in June, and they were a mix of physical books and ebooks. The first read of the month was Iron Flame, which is the only book I read that I acquired pre-2024. I also read Honey Cut by Sierra Simone in a single night, staying up way too late to do so. It's also a physical copy. It was actually delivered a couple weeks earlier than its release date. After that, I read two ebooks, Of Sand and Silk Claire Butler and A Knife and a Blade by Adelaide Blaike.

Books Bought/Received in June

Now it's once again time for the dreaded "How much damage can I do to my bank account in a single month?" section. Altogether, I bought 20 books in the month of June, and of those, I received 11 of them. I also received 33 other books (i.e., preorders, gifts, free ebooks, etc.), of which 25 were free ebooks. That's a total of 43 books I actually physically received in the month altogether.

I'm gonna start with the seven physical books I received in the month, which means I didn't pay for them in June. They were paid for in May or earlier or they were gifts/freebies. For the preorders that arrived this month, I got my Owlcrate copy of The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King by Carissa Broadbent, my German Chest of Fandoms edition of A Soul of Ash and Blood by JLA, and my ApollyCon editions of A Fire in the Flesh (second copy) and The Crown of Gilded Bones. My replacement copy of Stone Cold Touch and my B&N preorders of Honey Cut and The Dawn of the Cursed Queen by Amber Nicole also arrived in June.

I also got 25 free ebooks during the Stuff Your Kindle event. Those included: Shadow Kissed by Rebecca L. Garcia, Bewitched by Laura Thalassa, The Ever King by L.J. Andrews, Bite of Loyalty by R.L. Caulder, Chosen by Villains by Eva Chase, The Dagger and the Forbidden Heir by Emilia Jae, Academy of Protectors by Gray Holdborn, House of Striking Oaths by Olivia Wildenstein, The Dragon's Gift by Jasmine Walt, Crown of Earth and Sky by Emberly Ash, Night Elves of Ardani by Nina K. Westra, Stroke the Flame by Elizabeth Briggs, City of Thorns by C.N. Crawford, Amethyst Dragon by Eileen Mueller, Burning by Tamar Sloan, Brutal Titan by E.V. Olsen, Dragonrider by S. Rodman, Death Eternal by Richard Amos, The Omega Problem Part One by Elizabeth Dunlap, From Frost to Flame by Viola Vines, The Silence Lies by Sophie Dyer, Forbidden Magic by Anya J. Cosgrove, Lantern by Charlie Godwyne, Bad Boy by Joe Satoria, and A Knife and a Blade.

 As for the 20 books I actually bought in June, there are a lot, but most of them are books I've already read, so that's nice. There were 11 books I bought AND received in June. From Barnes & Noble online, I'd ordered the new White Hot Kiss paperback and books one, seven, and eight in the Zodiac Academy series, along with the novella bindup Live and Let Lionel. At the physical B&N store, I purchased the new cover of the Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat. Then from PangoBooks, I ordered another ZA novella, Origins of an Academy Bully; ZA book two; and books one and three in the Darkmore Penitentiary series, a ZA spinoff. And lastly, Nectar of the Wicked by Ella Fields was the June FairyLoot Romantasy book. I also preordered nine books that will arrive in future months. Those include my FairyLoot editions of The Hemlock Queen by Hannah Whitten and The Curse of Sins by Kate Dramis, my B&N order of Pure by JLA, a downpayment on the Owlcrate Romantasy sub, the June Arcane sub books, and three Arcane add-ons by Amelia Hutchins, which I did a payment plan for, so I guess technically I would've only paid for one book, but eh. I don't like that math. 

Currently Obsessed With

I haven't been watching much lately. Honestly, there's been a lot of TikTok scrolling. But I have been watching...

The new episodes of House of the Dragon season two. There have only been a few episodes out by this point, so I can't really tell for sure, but the season seems a little eh to me. There are good parts and there are bad parts in terms of quality. But, there are dragons, so the vibes are always immaculate. I also rewatched 2-4 of the Shrek movies, and I might watch the Puss in Boots films next. Oh, and I finished Bridgerton season three, which was kind of disappointing. It just seemed off compared to previous seasons.

July TBR

I'm writing this post a couple of days early, so June hasn't ended yet. But I left Charm off of this list specifically because I am hoping I finished it by now. I only have 50 pages left, so it better be done, Future Me! I don't want to see that book on my TBR ever again. Of course, the other two major repeats are Visions of Flesh and Blood and Dragon Rider. One day, I'll read both of them. I'm halfway through Visions, so I'm hoping that'll be soon. As for Evocation by S.T. Gibson, I started this one and got distracted, so we'll see if I pick it back up soon. I'm not in any hurry. Now, the ones I really want to read are The Prince's Poisoned Vow, another repeat, because it sounds really good, and the Darkmore Penitentiary series. The last Darkmore book releases at the end of July, so I want to binge the entire thing.


Okay, well, that's the month of June, plus some July sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last month? If so, share in the comments!

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