Saturday, September 14, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Sus Etsy Listing Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Well, I'm trying to get back into a regular routine. Work, gym, sleep versus just work and sleep. I'm also still trying to finish some organization projects around my house. The good news is, I think I have the motivation to really make a pretty decent dent in it this weekend. Fingers crossed that motivation keeps up. I would have done a lot of it last weekend, but I ended up visiting my parents' house instead.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have my physical books for the month. I have a pretty decent stack here. My FairyLoot edition of When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker arrived, along with two preorders from Barnes & Noble: The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen and Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune. I also ordered the Ukraine edition of A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire last month, and it arrived this week. I actually ordered it on a suspicious Etsy listing, so I wasn't sure if it would show up. It did, though, and I'm super grateful to have this method for future releases. For some reason, my bank does not like international purchases from Ukraine, so it was a whole ordeal trying to order from the bookseller last year. This is much easier.

I almost forgot to include this one. It wasn't sitting with the rest of my "new books" to wait for the weekly photoshoot. I found a cheap copy of If There's No Tomorrow by JLA on Mercari. It was in really good shape, so I went ahead and bought it. I wanted it to match my The Problem With Forever hardcover, so I couldn't just go for the paperback. I'm one book closer to owning all of JLA's backlist. I still have to get some of her adult contemporary romances and a couple of random YAs, but soon I'll be caught up. Then, I just have to read them. XD

And lastly, I have one ebook that I downloaded from Kindle Unlimited: Bite of Vengeance by R.L. Caulder. I'm conflicted with this series. The books are kind of just a cheesy paranormal why-choose vampire romance, but the covers are gorgeous, in my opinion. The author is going to be at ApollyCon, so I have to decide if I want to order the books or not. It's a tough call, and I doubt I make an official decision until closer to April. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. OOoh nice haul! And yay for finding international editions on Etsy that were legit! It's tough trying to buy international ones. I'm still battling with one trying to get a refund on a book I purchased over 2 years ago that they just flat out never send me. I don't understand how this book box is allowed to have an international purchase section if they never freaking ship them out. I was promised a refund almost a month ago, a "for sure, definite" refund and it still has not come and they are back to ignoring my emails again so I am pi$$ed.

    Nice collection of new reads though! And yay for getting another JLA book. I never could read her contemps as they just weren't my thing. I did enjoy one book of hers that always should've been a series but for some reason didn't. I think it was Unchained? That sounds right! I've 2 different copies of it, so you would've thought it could've been something more, but alas not. It was good from what I can recall! And I still have quite a bit of hers I need to read too! Backlist titles and I am still behind on her current series because they are just so long and I read so slow! One of these days...hopefully, I'll get caught up! Lol.

    Happy Reading!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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