Monday, September 9, 2024

August Wrap-Up & September TBR

This wrap-up is a little behind. I've been staring at my computer screen all day for work looking at spreadsheets, so it was hard to do the same thing during my time off. But, I finally made myself do it. August was a pretty decent month. My birthday came and went. I took some days off. It was nice. I got quite a bit of household things done, but there's still a lot more to do. I hope I can get it all done in September, but it's more likely it'll roll over into October too.

In this wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in August

Silver & Gold: 3 stars
Caged Wolf: 4 stars
Alpha Wolf: 4.5 stars
Feral Wolf: 4.5 stars
Wild Wolf: 4 stars
Born of Blood & Ash: 4.5 stars (my review)
Bite of Loyalty: 3 stars

I think this is my best reading month of the entire year. Both quality and quantity-wise! Huzzah! I read seven books this month. And although six of them were on Kindle Unlimited, I technically own four of the books in paperback. This means I got them off my physical TBR as well. Yay! So, in total, that's five physical books read. Unfortunately, though, none of these books were ones I owned prior to 2024. I'm still very behind on reading my pre-2024 unread books. Ugh. BUT, I had my first 4.5-star reads of the year! And there were three of them! Note: I rarely give out 5 stars these days. I reserve 5 stars for perfect books. Of which I've had very few lately.

Books Bought/Received in August

Here's where we get into the hard part. I dread doing it every month. Math is icky. I bought a total of 24 books in August and received seven that I didn't pay for in the month, which basically means they were preorders/ordered in July or free ebooks. Altogether, 27 of the books actually made their way to me in August.

For the seven books I received, I got two free Nook ebooks: Creatures of the Dark and A Game of Vampires by Caroline Peckham. Well, technically they're novellas and the Creatures of the Dark is an anthology, but I downloaded it because Caroline had a story in it. The other five physical books I received were all orders that I'd paid for in earlier months that only just arrived in August. Those include The Witch Collector LitHaven edition by Charissa Weaks, The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song FairyLoot edition, and the Dutch editions of A Soul of Ash and Blood, A Light in the Flame, and A Fire in the Flesh.

As for the 20 books I bought that I received, those consisted of the August FairyLoot Romantasy book, Bonded by Thorns by Elizabeth Helen; the entire Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac five-book series in the new covers and Wild Wolf by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti; five editions of Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout (three B&N editions, one Indigo paperback, and one regular hardback); the new Apollyon edition; the old original covers of the Covenant series (novella included); and The Love Archives anthology with a JLA FBAA story included.

 My preorders for the month included the Arcane Lady of Darkness set (books one and two) by Melissa K. Roehrich, FairyLoot's August Adult sub book, and the Ukraine edition of A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by JLA.  

Currently Obsessed With

As for TV/films, I've only watched one thing.

Yep, that's right, I'm still watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. And I'm still hopping around from season to season. Part of me wants to watch the episodes in order, but then I find an episode that sounds boring or that I've already seen before and know I don't like, and I just decide to move on to the next episode/season. Other than that, I only rewatched half of E.T. with my sister on the very last day of August, so I won't finish it until September sometime.

September TBR

Okay, I'm being really lazy and just using last month's TBR pic because they're pretty much the same. I just have a couple of titles to add. Visions of Flesh & Blood by JLA, Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu, and Fortuna Sworn are all repeats. I have to read Fortuna Sworn in the next week or two for book club. It's short, so it shouldn't be too hard. I just have to pick it up. Other than those, I want to read Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy, which releases this month, though I'm not sure my copy will arrive in September, as I ordered from Waterstones and they take a bit to deliver. I also want to read Fair Catch by C.E. Ricci and The Prince's Poisoned Vow by Hailey Turner.


Okay, well, that's the month of August, plus some September sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last month? If so, share in the comments!

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