Thursday, March 24, 2022

A 2022 Spring Unhaul

Alright, I have another unhaul for you. But first, I'm going to give the same spiel I did for my last unhaul, which wasn't that long ago. I posted my winter unhaul in early February, so I'm pretty proud of myself for getting rid of more books since then. Though, of course, I've had these sitting in a pile to get rid of for months upon months. Oops. But yeah, the spiel: So, at the end of each year for the past couple of years, I've made a deal with myself. I have to get rid of books based on how many I read and buy every year. For example, in 2021, I bought 89 books, but I only read 66. Therefore, I had to get rid of 23 books to make room for the new ones and clear my shelves of titles that I'll never read again. Thankfully, I've already done that whole process with February's unhaul, but I have more to show that didn't count towards this goal.

I took 20 books to a new-to-me local used bookstore. Thankfully, the store took all 20 of them, even some of the UK FairyLoot editions that my favorite used bookstore wouldn't. The new used bookstore also took the three books the other store wouldn't take because they already had copies. Those included Beautiful Disaster, We'll Always Have Summer, and The Distance Between Us (not pictured). With these 20 books, I was able to trade for a good amount of store credit. And I used most of that credit on a bunch of Yasmine Galenorn mass markets. I got 12 in total, so really, I just replaced most of the books I got rid of with other books. Whoopsie. I may have a problem.

If you recognize the spines here, you'll see that almost all of the books I got rid of this time were YA fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi. There are simply a lot of fantastic books that I want to treasure and re-read, and these, sadly, aren't those. But anyway, the titles that I have read already include The Language of Thorns, The Extraordinaries (I have ebooks of the sequels, so I'm going to get the ebook at some point for this one), The Bitter Kingdom, Blood and Sand, The Essence, Shielded (FairyLoot edition), Foolish Hearts, and This Adventure Ends.

As for books I haven't read and have no interest in reading anymore, I have The Coldest Touch (FairyLoot edition), Fragments, The Supervillain and Me, The Offering, Afterlove (FairyLoot edition), The Love Interest, Salvage, This Golden Flame (FairyLoot edition), and Bright Star.

Like I mentioned earlier, I have a new box of books to get rid of. It's just waiting at my parents' house, so I'll probably do another unhaul post this summer. I also have a small stack of 2022 reads that I don't want to keep either. I'm even getting in the mood to purge my shelves some more over the next few weeks too. I have a new bookcase being delivered, and, depending on how much room I have, there may be some books that just don't make the cut to take up space on my shelves. It's definitely feeling like spring cleaning time. Haha.


Have you unhauled any books recently? Let me know in the comments below!

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!