Saturday, July 4, 2020

Stacking the Shelves: The Werewolf Addict Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I was feeling a reading slump coming on, so I made an impulse buy for some trashy werewolf romance. I ended up getting so much more than that.

Wolfsong, Ravensong, and Heartsong by TJ Klune (ebooks)

I devoured this trilogy. I read all three books in less than three days. I was a mess. I barely ate, I barely exercised, and I did very little work. (I’m totally paying for it now that I have deadlines coming up. Eek.) I read these on my phone’s Kindle app, so my eyes were killing me and my neck and hands hated me. (I had already been on my phone for an additional two days reading GoT and The 100 fanfiction, so my eyes were mad. And yes, I changed the settings. It didn’t fix it.) I went to the office for a few hours for a work meeting, but I had to go home after just because I was going to fall asleep after I’d stayed up too late reading. It was bad.

So yeah, this is a good M/M werewolf series, written by an actual gay man! It’s a shame that a lot of M/M romance books aren’t written by men. Oh, and this one has some great representation, especially Heartsong. I’ll have reviews up soon, but just know that it is ridiculously addicting. It takes a bit to get into the narration style, but once you do, there’s no stopping. Now though, I have to wait 3+ months for the sequel, and I just can’t! I want it now!!!

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Ooh nice! I haven't had a binge read-a-thon like that in ages! You know you got a great read there when that happens! With the long weekend I used my first two days to devour half of an 800 page book! If I didn't have errands and other things to do this weekend, I'd probably try finishing it, but I'd settle for at least another 100-200 pages!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Nice! I'm so weary for big books lately. There's just such an opportunity for a reading slump during all of those pages. It makes me nervous.


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!