Saturday, July 18, 2020

Stacking the Shelves: The June FairyLoot Swagtastic Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Full disclosure: this isn’t my entire haul. Or at least, it shouldn’t be. I’m writing this post early on in the week because things are going to get busy. So, I just thought I’d share what I have as of Monday morning and save the rest for next week’s Stacking the Shelves post.

First up is a bunch of swag. I purchased a mystery print pack and a Red Queen House Calore coin from Faecrate last month that finally came in. This purchase was originally made in the hopes that I would receive the Hades & Persephone/Dara & Nahri City of Brass print. However, I found The City of Brass print for sale on Mercari, so I purchased it before I received the mystery pack, just in case. I’m glad I bought it there, since I did not receive it from Faecrate.

The prints that came in the mystery pack are okay. There are a few that I like and a few that I’m just meh about. The good ones are for Six of Crows, Graceling, To Kill a Kingdom, and Vortex Visions, a book I’d never heard of until I received this print, but now I’m intrigued.

As for the meh ones, they’re mostly for books I haven’t read yet, like The Cruel Prince, Nevernight, and A Court of Mist and Fury. There’s also a Shadowhunters one and a Shatter Me one. I gave up on the Shatter Me series after book two, when I found out Warner would be the love interest in book three (ICK). Most of the ones in this pic will be put in my giveaway/trade bags either because the series isn’t one I care about or the artwork isn’t to my tastes.

Now, I have the June FairyLoot box. I actually received this last week, but I wanted to hold off on sharing the contents to give people more time to receive their boxes.

In the box, there were two books: Forest of Souls by Lori M. Lee and The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna. I’m actually excited for both books, though I don’t know when I’ll get to them. I may try to wait until next year or the year after, so I can binge-read if they’re part of a series. Also, the artwork in Forest of Souls is A+!

As for the bookish items, these were a lot better than last month’s, in my opinion. My favorites: The Bone Season socks (because socks are always useful, even if you haven’t read the series yet), Avatar: The Last Airbender coasters (not my favorite design, but still cute and useable), Blood Heir art print (haven’t read the book, but I’m a fan of this art style), Forest of Souls artwork, and The Shadows Between Us pin (mine came with two small nicks, but it’s not worth it to me to try to get a replacement). My least favorite items were the Alice in Wonderland tea strainer (super cute, but I don’t drink tea) and The Starless Sea iron-on patch (pretty, but I haven’t read the book and patches are a useless item). All in all, this box was much better than last month’s, despite the theme and fandoms not being as exciting.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Oh nice! I love the coins that Fae Crate used to do! I only ever bought one box from them and the coin was soooo underwhelming. Never would I have thought the fandom chosen would be the one they went with. That I quickly sold or traded. I can't remember which. Lol.

    The June box I was very meh over myself. The featured book didn't make it on my radar and I'm still debating if I'm keeping it or not. I hope you will enjoy all of your new goodies!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yeah, Faecrate seems to choose more obscure fandoms, which is good for some, bad for others, I guess. The June FL book isn't one I'm ridiculously excited for and I didn't know it existed until FL, but I think it has potential. Plus, I'm trying to diversify my reading a little more, so it's a great addition to my shelves. :)


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