Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The JLA Insanity Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

This week has been pretty successful in getting me on track. I've completed two two-mile runs this week so far. And hopefully by the time this post goes live, I'll have one more under my belt. Or at least a singular mile. I would've had more but Monday was a kind of meh workout. But as for the rest of my life, it's been pretty quiet, just work, sleep, eat, repeat.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have the Bookish Box editions of the Flesh & Fire series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. You'll notice that every physical book in this haul is by JLA. It's quite interesting how nothing else arrived from other authors when I know for a fact that two other preorders shipped out recently. I've been very excited for these, though, so I'm okay that nothing else arrived. Honestly, the art on these is better than the FBAA editions, in my opinion, which is a bit sad because I like FBAA more. Oh well, I have plenty of other pretty FBAA copies. It's about time the F&F series got some nice book box editions.

Next up, I have the first two books in the Titan series by JLA. These were created and sold by the JLA Shop. They were honestly just kind of sprung on us. One day the shop announced they were coming and less than a week later, they were for sale. Then, they shipped out like one or two days later. Craziness. While I do think these books are pretty, and I'm happy to have them, I do think the slipcases they came in are kind of pointless, as the artwork on each is the same as each individual naked hardcover book. These editions could have been $20 cheaper without those slipcases.

And for the last physical book, I have the last edition in the Bloom Books redesign of the Covenant series. These things all shipped out so fast. I can't believe all of them are in my possession already. In comparison, the new Lux hardcover editions are coming out like six months apart. Those are also uglier, in my opinion. I've seen some UK Lux editions with similar covers to these Covenant ones, and I think I'm going to go for those. I'm really meh about these new Lux hardcovers.

And lastly, I have the ebooks. All of these except one are Kindle Unlimited downloads. Brutal Titan by E.V. Olsen was a random download. I didn't even realize it was free on Kindle until I noticed it didn't have the KU logo on my app. The other books I got from KU included Pucking Around by Emily Rath, Blood of Hercules by Jasmine Mas, Bite of Justice by R.L. Caulder, and The Veiled Kingdom by Holly Renee. Three of these are ApollyCon authors, and Blood of Hercules has just been getting a lot of hype lately so I was curious. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Ooh nice JLA collection! Ironically I felt meh about The Bookish Box editions of the FBAA and F&F series. I mean I started out on the FBAA ones so I may or may not continue. I think I already bought the first 4 or 5? So I guess we'll see what else I add to it! I debated HARD about those Titan series editions! They are so pretty but the cost per book? I was like man...I still need to read this series so I am not sure of my "enjoyment" of it yet. And ironically, I found myself buying the newest Lux covers just because the Lux series is still one of my favorites of hers and I have all the previous cover variations so I'm like...might as well keep going! Lol. I think out of all the box covers for FBAA my favorite are the Illumicrate's. I thought the character art was probably my favorite out of all the rest.

    hope you enjoy all of your latest collector editions and your new kindle reads too! I think I missed the slipcase part of the Titan series. I thought about buying just 1 book but then thought of that price tag again and thought maybe later...or just maybe not! Lol.

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Illumicrate's are my favorite editions too.


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