Saturday, July 25, 2020

Stacking the Shelves: The Five-Time NetGalley Download Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Part two of my Barnes & Noble gift card order finally arrived. Plus, I have a few ebooks to share.

The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning
The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

Like I mentioned, this is the second part to my B&N order from a couple of weeks ago. Both of these were preorders. I recently read Klune’s Green Creek series, and LOVED IT, so I decided to try his new release too. The pin is from the preorder incentive giveaway. And The Princess Will Save You is inspired by The Princess Bride—my favorite movie of all time—so I had to buy it.

I also bought Aurora Burning on Kindle because I was feeling slumpy and I wanted something I knew I would enjoy. After reading Aurora Rising earlier in the month, it was a pretty easy solution to my slump, so I purchased the sequel. Unfortunately, this means I have to wait another year for book three. It also means I have to buy another copy of Aurora Burning as a paperback when it comes out to match my Aurora Rising copy. *sigh*

I also bought Deviation on Kindle, but it was free. That’s the only reason I downloaded it. I have no idea what it’s about. And Fable was an eARC from NetGalley. I can’t believe I was approved! I haven’t used NetGalley in sooooo loooong. I accidentally downloaded it like five times because I forgot how to use NetGalley. (I’m so sorry, Wednesday Books.)

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Oooh nice! I still need to read Aurora Rising myself, might wait for the trilogy to be finished so I can binge it. Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I wish I'd waited. Now I have another 10 months of waiting. *sigh*

  2. Ooh, I need to add The Princess Will Save You to my wishlist -- I've had my eye on it for a while. Enjoy!

    My weekly roundup/STS post!

  3. I also haven't done Netgalley is such a long time! Talking years here.... I've seen Fable doing the rounds, hope you get to enjoy it! This princess will save you seems like a good read. Especially if it's inspired by The Princess Bride - one of the best books ever.

    Hope you will have a good week! Here's my The Sunday Post

    1. Princess Bride-related things should just be good on principle. Lol


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!