Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Rare Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Surprisingly, I only have one book to share today. That is a very rare phenomenon indeed. Okay, so technically, I had a couple of things show up to my parents' house that I plan to pick up this weekend, but since those books aren't in my hands right now, they don't count towards this StS post. Ha! As for the week as a whole, I've been getting over my post-con illness. Therefore, it's been survival mode. Now that the sickness is finally on the outs, I'm excited to be a person again.

Here is the one book that I got this week. And it may not look like much, but this was a rare find indeed. I've had a notification for Dark Flame by Kat Silver set on all the secondhand reseller sites for a couple of months now. I learned about this book through an author's Facebook group when I asked for similar recommendations, and, unfortunately, this one was completely wiped off the face of the planet. No ebook version available, no print versions in stores. Not even secondhand sellers on Amazon. I guess the author took it off every site she could. And there was one person selling a copy on eBay for like $1,000. Umm... no thank you. But last week, I got a notification from PangoBooks that someone was selling this one for like $10, and I jumped on it. I can't wait to read it, though I'm tempted to wait until I can locate book two as well. I know the trilogy isn't finished and likely never will be, but I still think I'd like to read it for the vibes. And knowing it will likely remain unfinished when I go into it will help lessen any expectations. But I can still hold off until I acquire book two. Maybe...

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. Wow! That's some dedication! I have so many series that will never be finished because the author lost love for them. Truly think it's that as so many years have gone by I figure they have to have their rights back as I only recently learned that authors have to wait years to get them back from a series a publisher canceled! THAT baffles me. I mean, yes, legally I can understand and whatnot, but I feel like there should be a cancellation clause in there that rights revert immediately back to the author if the publisher refuses to publish the LAST book! But that's just me! Lol. I have not heard of this one and while I do like the looks of the cover, I'd feel reluctant to try it knowing it's an unfinished trilogy and will remain as such.

    Congrats on your find! I hope you enjoy it once you decide to read it! Good luck with the search for book 2!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. We'll see how irritated I get that the series is unfinished once I read it. Maybe it won't be so bad. 😄🙃


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