Saturday, May 25, 2024

ApollyCon 2024 Recap: Part Two

Okay, I'm back with my ApollyCon recap. I think I can get this all done in one post, as I don't have a lot to say about the events I was at, since I was working most of them. I volunteered Friday and Saturday, but I was able to still attend the event on Sunday, which was the same day we left D.C. Overall, it was a pretty chaotic time.

Thursday morning was panel time. For the panels, I just basically sat in the room and monitored to make sure everything went smoothly, and thank god it did. The three panels I had were 1) Genre Jumping with Erin Mallon, Jennifer Fyfe, Marshall J. Moore, Nia Davenport, Nicole Northwood, and Season Vining; 2) The More the Merrier with C.R. Jane, Eva Chase, K.G. Reuss, Lana Pecherczyk, Lexi C. Foss, and Lola Rock; and 3) The Write Stuff: How to Kill Your Darlings with Denny S. Bryce, Eden Appiah-Kubi, Kate Dramis, K.J. Sutton, Mazey Eddings, and Priscilla Oliveras.

And then the afternoon was the Titan signing. I was assigned to Sarah A. Parker's line. She's SUPER nice and awesome, but her line was so busy. I was a line monitor, so I didn't have a lot of time to break off and explore the exhibit halls. I actually didn't even take a photo with Sarah, which I'm kind of bummed about. It was all so hectic and she was signing so late on Saturday that it didn't cross my mind. I did manage to take a crazy-eyed selfie of some of the chaos, though, simply because my dad called during this time wanting to chat and I was way too busy for that and I wanted him to see the chaos. Sarah did end up gifting the volunteers who worked her line some signed books, which was soooo nice of her.

I think, because I was so busy, I ended up only seeing two authors during my short break times. The first was Jess Wisecup. I picked up a preorder from her table, which took me forever to find. I also bought a copy of The Prince's Poisoned Vow at Hailey Turner's table. I didn't get any photos with these authors, simply because there wasn't a lot of time.
My friend, Sara, ended up picking up a majority of my preorders throughtout the weekend, since my table was so busy and hers wasn't as much. I can't fully remember which day she picked up what, so I'm just lumping it all together here. She picked up a copy of What Hunts Inside the Shadows by Harper L. Woods and my preorders for Clare Sager's A Kiss of Iron and Slaying the Shifter Prince and J. Bree's tour editions of The Crown of Oaths and Curses and Broken Bonds. She also managed to get my copy of The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent signed. Of course, she got all of her stuff signed/picked up too. I'm super glad she had the time to do all this, because I definitely didn't while I was trying to get things under control. Saturday, though, I made some more time for breaks and exploring.

  Later that night, I had more volunteering to do. This time, it was the Raven Kennedy Plated Prisoner event, and boy, oh boy, were my feet killing me by this point. Again, I was mostly doing line control. I did end up getting a goodie bag at the end of the night, along with a chocolate-covered pretzel that ended up being breakfast the next morning.

Saturday was more signings, which meant more standing and line control. Thankfully, like I mentioned, I was able to break off a little more and meet some authors and get a few things signed. I also managed to sneak in before things started in the morning and before lunch to get some stuff signed. I even bought a Bookish Box ApollyCon shirt. I was able to pick up my preorder from Vela Roth, purchase a copy of Rabid from Ivy Asher, and get my K.J. Sutton Fortuna Sworn and my S.M. Gaither The Song of the Marked signed all in the span of about eight hours.

During the lunch break, I was able to walk around with Sara and we took pics with the cardboard standees of Dean and Sam Winchester. And while I was on a different break, I ran upstairs to the other exhibit hall and ended up taking a picture of Jemlin's Bat Boys standees, because why not? And the bottom pic is just some swag that came from various tables.

Oh, and during this time, I also had to take a break to pick up my ApollyCrew bag, which had my JLA special editions of A Fire in the Flesh and Half-Blood in them, along with some swag, like water bottles, highlighters, and two extra smaller books. Those were an ARC of House of Ash and Shadow by Leia Stone and Songbird by Victoria Woods.Later that night, I had After Party door duty, which was cool, as I ended up getting a free J. Bree bag, as she sponsored the event. That means I got my hands on the special event edition of The Crown of Oaths and Curses! I also got Breakaway by Grace Reilly and A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross. I also got a Primal bag for working the late shift. Thank you, ApollyCon crew! It had a very large number of books in it, including Do Your Worst (a signed Afterlight edition), Desires of the Blood, After, Saved by Wolves, The Origin, Ocean's Echo (technically, I traded Sara for this one. I originally had Calamity, which I'd already read.), Revolt, and Terror. And obviously, there was a ton of swag too. There. Were. So. Many. Pens. And the final event of Saturday night was trying to shove all of the books and junk into our suitcases and dufflebags. We ended up using the hotel FedEx scale the next morning to weigh our bags to make sure they weren't over the plane's 50-pound weight limit.
The last event was Sunday morning, which was the Q&A with the 1,001 Dark Nights publishers and authors, including JLA, Xio Axelrod, Audrey Carlan, Helena Hunting, Laurelin Paige, Lexi Blake, and Ravyn Salvador. It was an outdoor/indoor seating area, so there ended up being birds flying around the ceiling and there was an Indian wedding taking place next door, so a lot of music and people dressed in lovely outfits. JLA did end up heading out a bit early though. She wasn't feeling well. After this, we went straight to the airport where I had to kill a few hours, so I got Smashburger. Very yummy.

Well, I think that's all. It was definitely a different experience this year when compared to the past two years. Volunteering is a lot of work, especially on the feet, but it still has its fun moments. Am I going to volunteer next year? Maybe. I'm going to see if I can get tickets first though. It's pretty expensive to stay at the new hotel location, so I have to see if I can justify the costs. Oh, and in the photos above, you can see the books I bought at the event versus the ones I preordered. The ones I got for free were all up above as well. You can even see the After Party vase my friend took from the event during clean up, as it was just going to be thrown away. I'm honestly surprised it made it back home in one piece.

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