
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My 2022 Wrap-Up

Wow! 2022 is over! I moved, started a new job, and went to Disneyland and ApollyCon. I have even more fun stuff planned in 2023, but I'm also just looking forward to settling in more by finding my own place and liking my new job. However, before I get into the future, I need to discuss the past. Specifically, all of the books and book-related stats associated with my 2022 reading year!

Books Read in 2022

This year, I read 90 books! That's a lot better than last year's 66. I was hoping to reach 100, but December just had way too much going on. It always does with the holidays, but moving meant I only got a few reads in before the first day of 2023. I'm hoping I can reach around the same number in 2023, but I'm not holding myself to that. I'm setting my 2023 reading goal at 30, like always.

I'm not going to list out every single book I read in 2022, but I do have some fun stats to share.

In 2022, I read:

📚 42 fantasy books
📚 33 paranormal/urban fantasy books
📚 3 sci-fi
📚 12 contemporary

📚 23 young adult
📚 67 new adult/adult

📚 33 physical finished copies bought/received
📚 4 ebooks bought/received
📚 6 physical library books
📚 9 NetGalley e-ARCs
📚 1 physical ARC
37 Kindle Unlimited ebooks

📚 19 books owned pre-2022
📚 71 books acquired in 2022
📚 3 rereads

📚 Finished reading 4 series that I started pre-2022.
📚 Started 22 new series in 2021 (some of which I don't plan on continuing).
📚 Started 5 series in 2022 and caught up with the series in 2022.
📚 Started and finished 5 series in 2022.
📚 Continuing 6 ongoing series.

📚 My highest rated book at 4.5 stars: The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
📚 My lowest rated book at 2 stars: House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas.

Books Bought in 2022

In total, I bought 142 books in 2022. This came out to almost $3,000. It's an average of $20.86 per book. Yikes. Those special editions are killing me. I'm actually planning on letting my FairyLoot YA sub go, as I realized I'm not reading the books and most of the predictions for early 2023's books just don't look intriguing. I'm going to wait for my skips to run out to completely cancel, but that will probably be in April or May. I've already used one. I also have been pickier about buying special editions in general. As I predicted last year, though, the FairyLoot adult sub, did contribute to the hurt in my wallet. But the real issue is my swag spending. I have a fan art addiction that I need to quench, as almost $2,000 on mostly FBAA art is just too much for one year's sum. I'll be attempting to cut back a lot in 2023. Oh, and because I bought 142 books but only read 90, I have to get rid of 52 books in early 2023. We'll see how that goes, as I don't have a local used bookstore anymore, just a library to donate to. Plus, books don't really sell well online.

My 2022 Reading Goals

Other than reading 30 books, I had a few other goals set for the year. They were mostly goals for getting my physical TBR under control. (See my 2022 reading goal post for more info.)

I had five goals for 2022. One that I know automatically that I succeeded at was reading more NA and adult fiction versus YA. And I think I had a better reading time because of it. While I didn't have more than one 4.5-star read, I just had a better time overall. A lot more four-star books versus three stars.        A goal I know I immediately failed at is reading A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin. I'm over halfway, so that's good. I think my goal for 2023 will be to finish the remaining half. Actually, I think I failed at all of my goals besides the one about reading more NA and adult. Goal #4 was to buy fewer than 66 books. Nope. Surpassed that number for sure. Goal #5 was to read all of the books I owned prior to moving to NYC. Nope. Didn't do that. Goal #1 was to read 15 books I owned physical copies of prior to 2020. Definitely didn't do that. And same for Goal #2, which was basically the same but for 2021 books too. Honestly like only 19 of the books I read were bought pre-2022, and most were 2021 purchases. Oops. I'll try to make more realistic goals for 2023 because I don't think I'm going to reach ones that force me to read my TBR.


Okay, well, that’s the summary of 2022, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last year? If so, share in the comments! Also, stay tuned for my 2023 reading goals post!

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!