Sunday, April 3, 2016

My Signed Book Collection

So I have more signed books than I thought I did. And, since I am very proud of some of the signed books—considering I traveled many miles to get to the events—I’ve decided to share them with you.

This entire process meant completely upending my bookshelves in order to drag every signed book out of various nooks and crannies and onto a separate shelf so I could take pictures. Oh well… It was fun.

The first photo I have here is of the signed books I’ve won through various contests. These are mostly finished copies. (Sorry for the weird glare. That wasn’t there when I took the pic, I swear.)

My second photo consists mainly of ARCs I’ve won, signed books I’ve bought, or review copies I’ve been given. (Thanks various review-copy providers!)

Now, my last two photos are all of events I’ve gone to.

In the first one, I have the events I’ve gone to up to the year 2016, meaning the three events I went to in 2015 and the one before that (which I believe was 2014).

And, my final photo is just of the signed books I’ve managed to get this year so far by going to various author events. Soon, Marie Rutkoski, Emma Mills, Cecilia Ahern, and Harriet Reuter Hapgood’s books will be in this list as well. Mwahaha!

So those are my signed books. What books do you have signed? And, if you don’t have any, what book would you kill—metaphorically speaking—to get signed?


  1. You've got some great signed books! I wonder how many I have now that I am thinking about it. I have quite a few Michael Connelly, Harlan Coben, Sandra Brown, and Lisa Scottoline books signed. I have a few from a few more more authors. My daughter has a pretty good collection in her room too. Great post!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    1. I'm sure living in the St. Louis area means you get to go to way more events than I do. I'm totally jealous. ;)


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