Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Assassin's Heart by Sarah Ahiers

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly event, hosted over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

This week, what's really got my pages in a twist is...

Assassin’s Heart
Publication Date: February 2, 2016
Hardcover, 400 pages, HarperTeen
Genres: YA, Fantasy

In the kingdom of Lovero, nine rival Families of assassins lawfully kill people for a price. As a highly skilled member of one of these powerful clans, seventeen-year-old Lea Saldana has always trusted in the strength of her Family. Until she awakens to find them murdered and her home in flames. The Da Vias, the Saldanas’ biggest enemy, must be responsible—and Lea should have seen it coming. But her secret relationship with the Da Vias’ son, Val, has clouded her otherwise killer instinct—and given the Da Vias more reason than ever to take her Family down.

Racked with guilt and shattered over Val’s probable betrayal, Lea sets out to even the score, with her heart set on retaliation and only one thought clear in her mind: make the Da Vias pay.

With shades of The Godfather and Romeo and Juliet, this richly imagined fantasy from debut author Sarah Ahiers is a story of love, lies, and the ultimate vengeance.

My Thoughts

Yep. Another YA fantasy series. But I’m okay with that.

What book are you waiting for this Wednesday?


  1. This was one of mine too (I only managed to narrow it down to four!), I cannot wait to read this!

    1. Oh wow. Four! I have a hard time figuring out which ONE I want to highlight for the week. :)

  2. I'm also looking forward to this. I got an arc from Harper, so hopefully I can get around to it soon!

    Here's my WoW

    1. Ooo... So jealous. I wish I had an ARC of this. It looks so good. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. SUCH a beautiful cover! I have this one from Edelweiss - hopefully reading it soon. I hope you enjoy this book when you read it!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my WoW post!

    1. Gah. I wish I had a review copy of this book. It sound so amazing and I'd love to be able to read it. Hope you enjoy it! XD

  4. Harper has so many epic fantasies coming out! I'm excited for this one as well! :)

    1. Yes, they do! I'm going to lose so much money over the next 6 or so months! But it's worth it. I hope. ;)


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