First, six mysteriously pale new students show up at Sophie McGee’s high school. Then, Sophie’s childhood nemesis James reappears, still displaying a knack for making Sophie’s blood boil. When Sophie finds out that James has a connection to the new students, she decides to investigate...never expecting her life will quickly begin to resemble a campy horror movie, complete with budding crushes and bloodthirsty villains. (info. taken from Goodreads)
My Review:
Spoilers May Lie Here
I'll start out with the main point, this book has humor! It's filled with sarcastic comments that will have you snorting for hours! Sophie is a refreshing main character in the world of Paranormal YA. (She reminds me a lot of Evie from Paranormalcy by Kiersten White.) She doesn't take any crap from anybody!
James's character, while a little predictable, is still full of fun. Imagine if the boy next door in your neighborhood was a vampire? How fun would that be!?! James is somewhat elusive and protective. His character quickly rose to a very high YUMMY on my scale of male characters.
The ending to this book is also crazy! A good crazy. At first the plot seemed like it was following the same routine other books take, but the last few pages of the book definitely surprised me!
Some things I didn't like were the side characters, they just didn't have enough depth to make them realistic. Also, the same humor that made me like Sophie, also got a little annoying in a few sections of the book.
I'm not sure if there is going to be a sequel to this book, but if there is I will more than likely be buying it.
*I received an ARC from A.M. Robinson, this did not alter my opinion of this book in any way.
I enjoyed your review. This is a new book/author that I would love to read. I love both paranormal and humor in the stories.