Sunday, December 14, 2014

Which Team Are You? : The Fallen Edition

I basically just post a book series every week and have people vote on what team they are. I know the YA Sisterhood does the YA Crush Tournament, but I just want to find out how much you guys like one love interest over another, in one series.

Last week's poll was over Team Tod or Team Nash from Rachel Vincent’s The Soul Screamers series. Team Tod won!

So for this edition of “What Team Are You?” I’m going to ask you who your pick of hunky man-flesh is from the Fallen series by Lauren Kate.  

You can choose from:

1)      Daniel

or 2) Cam

I’m Team IDK because I used to really like Cam, but once I finished the series I just wasn’t sure who I liked. If you had to choose one, who would it be, and why? If you haven’t read the books that are out right now (How is that even possible!?), who do you think sounds more appealing from the Fallen summary below.

What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?

17-year-old Lucinda falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent boy, Daniel, at her new school, the grim, foreboding Sword & Cross . . . only to find out that Daniel is a fallen angel, and that they have spent lifetimes finding and losing one another as good & evil forces plot to keep them apart.

Get ready to fall . . .

Which Team Are You?
Team Daniel
Team Cam

free polls

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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!