Saturday, March 22, 2025

Stacking the Shelves: The Power Outage Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

March has just not been my month. Like I mentioned in last week's post, I was ill. Like runny-nose-from-hell ill. And then, Friday night, there was a tornado in my area, which caused a lot of damage all across town and left me without power for about three days. When I was sick and disgusting. Ugh. I ended up going to my parents' house during this time and watching a lot of TV, but it was all messy. I felt like I lost an entire two weeks of my life from the chaos. Hopefully, this weekend is a lot better and I can catch up on all the things I want/need to do.

But anyway, on to this week's haul. First up, I have the only physical book I received. It is the February FairyLoot Romantasy book, which was extremely late for FairyLoot's standards. It went to my parents' house, so I obviously couldn't pick it up until a week after it arrived, but it still didn't come until pretty far into March. Iron & Embers by Helen Scheuerer sounds really good, but I'm honestly really mad that they put another spinoff book into the subscription. And while I do want to and plan to read the other series, I would rather FairyLoot sell all the original series and the spinoff together versus putting one in a sub box by itself. Also, I just noticed the ampersand on the cover is on the wrong side of the title, and that bothers me a lot.

And lastly, I have three ebooks. From Kindle Unlimited, I downloaded Rina Kent's new release, Kiss the Villain. I also read and finished it in like 24 hours, so I'll be returning it soon. Probably right after I finish this post. Ha ha. I bought A Cruel Thirst by Angela Montoya using some Kindle credits, so I think I got it for only $1.99 or something. I also got Corrupt Shadows by Rebecca L. Garcia and C.M. Hutton since it was free. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Hope you didn't have too much damage at your place after those storms! Those were scary! I was having anxiety attacks all of Friday night. We lost our power around 10:30pm, but were lucky enough that it came back on around noon or just before on Saturday. The last time we had a power outage, it was out for 3 days and that was during the brutal summer! At least this time it was still in that cusp of Winter/Spring where the weather didn't know what it wanted to do, which explains all the severe storms we had! We ended up having a lot of tornadoes in our area but we and the rest of my family spread out were all considerably lucky.

    Hope you're feeling better now! I had a cold I think just before you caught yours, so sorry if it somehow spread virtually to you! lol. It's never fun, I think those days I worked from my bed so I wouldn't pass it to my parents with prolong exposure.

    Nice new reads! The Iron & Embers cover is really pretty! I love those colors but yeah the ampersand being where it is nags at me too. Maybe if "iron" was a little higher up it could work, but yeah, I can't unsee it after you said it! Lol. I still need to read A Cruel Thirst as well! That was one I was eagerly anticipating but alas I still haven't read it as I've been in event mode reading pretty much since December! I'm still in event mode reading too and when I take the smallest break it's usually because of a review book. So hopefully I can get to this one soonish! Maybe May or late April. It's a wait and see game at this point! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all of your lovely new reads!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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