
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Stacking the Shelves: The May Adult FairyLoot Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I honestly didn't think I'd have that much to share this week, but then my parents visited and brought all of my deliveries with them. So the haul kind of exploded, but I'm not complaining. Everything is very pretty this week. I'm feeling wonderfully giddy right now thinking about all my new preciouses.      .

First up, I have something kind of ridiculous. I found out the From Blood and Ash virtual ApollyCon reprint edition is slightly different from the original 2022 ApollyCon edition. The original is a bright red, while the reprint is a darker red with blacker leaves. Well, I couldn't very well not have the new edition, even though I was super upset they were different in the first place. So, even though I went to the 2022 event, I had to purchase this new version secondhand. I think I paid like $70 for it on Mercari, which isn't too bad considering the price gouging some resellers are asking for. Also, funny story, I actually ordered a copy before this one, also from Mercari, that was shipped in an Owlcrate Jr. box. The Owlcrate Jr. box has blue ink on the inside that I guess leaked off because of the humidity or something, and it dusted the top of the book (the only part that wasn't covered in bubble wrap) with blue gunk. So, I returned it. My first ever Mercari return. But, I ended up getting a cheaper copy. The universe was looking out for me!
Next, I have the Chest of Fandoms German edition of The War of Two Queens. Now normally, I don't post photos of the insides of books, simply because I'm lazy. But I couldn't not post photos of these gorgeous French flap character artworks. I mean, look at Poppy, Cas, and Kieran! They're stunning! I also bought a double-sided print that features the art from The Crown of Gilded Bones's flaps, so I'm crossing my fingers they'll sell a print of The War of Two Queens's versions in the future.

And here is the May Adult FairyLoot book. It's gorgeous, which is super surprising to me, as the artist they chose for the cover artwork isn't normally one I gravitate towards. The only thing I don't like about this edition is the ombre edges. I truly do not understand why FairyLoot keeps doing ombre edges. They never work out right. But anyway, the book is beautiful, and I'm excited to read it.

The second part of the Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon Prettygal Pins tarot card deck arrived as well. They're nice, but I think I've just decided I don't like the non-book-character editions when compared to the other tarot decks I've bought from Prettygal. I think its just because the book ones are based on characters I haven't seen before, whereas these are based on a show with characters I see all the time. Essentially, I mean that none of the artwork surprised me because I already know what the characters look like.

And now for the ebooks. I have three library ebooks that all somehow managed to come in at pretty much the exact same time. Why does this always happen? The one that came in first was The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna. Then Lightlark by Alex Aster came in, and then Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. I'm guessing at least one of these won't be finished before I have to return it. Probably Lightlark, as I don't think Skyward has very many holds, so I can possibly renew it if I run out of time.

 Finally, I have a Kindle Unlimited copy of Bro and the Beast 3 by L.C. Davis, which I've already read. It was only like 130 pages. And one of the most important "books" I downloaded was the first three chapters of A Soul of Ash and Blood that JLA/Blue Box Press released in honor of Casteel's birthday. And yes, I've already read them, and I died. That first chapter is so freakin' amazing! I don't know how I'm going to wait until July 18 for the rest. I do know 100% I'll be taking off work that day to read this book. There's no other option at this point. It would be torture to go to work when I know the book is just sitting there on my Kindle app, taunting me.

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. OOh nice! The color variation on the reprint of FBAA Apollycon edition is surreal! Lol! I'd be doing the same if I learned that this happened with a Stephanie Garber book. In fact, her first OUABH UK cover had some slight printer color variations. I've got a few of them ranging from indigo, purple, and blue! It's so weird when that happens! Lol, but I'll take it! I was kind of meh over the FL ombre edges too. Sometimes I do like them but these color choices are just kind of blah to be made into an ombre!

    Hope you enjoy all of your lovely new reads! I'm pretty sure we're about the same in our collecting hobbies where I go with any all Stephanie Garber books and you're any and all JLA FBAA series! Though I admit, I do kind of collect the cover variations on those too! But I haven't ventured into international editions since I put all my money on Stephanie's books in that area! Lol!

    Happy Reading!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yeah, I think you and Xenatine on Instagram are the ones that inspired my international shopping addiction. Her with Kingdom of the Wicked and Cruel Prince stuff and you with Garber's books. I thought "Oh, if they can do that with those series, I can justify doing it with FBAA!" Lol. Though, I do limit myself in that I only collect international editions that are significantly different from the regular US covers. No point in going too overboard. Haha!


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