
Saturday, May 28, 2022

Stacking the Shelves: The Daemon Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

I had a work fundraising event last weekend, so that was fun... Not. My body simply is not used to staying up until midnight anymore without having a nap or two to keep me going. However, other than that, not a lot has gone on. Currently, I'm at my parents' house for the holiday weekend. So yay! Three days off!.

I bought a ton of stuff in the past week. It's ridiculous. I seriously hope this month and last month are just a fluke, because holy cow, I cannot keep dropping dollars like this if I want to save for any sort of retirement in the future. But anyway, let's talk about what my hard-earned dollars bought. Really, the only thing that was actually bought and delivered this week was Oblivion by JLA. I saw this on Amazon for $9 and jumped on it. I also put a hold in my library for Amanda Bouchet's Heart on Fire, the third book in the Kingmaker series. I already preordered the new paperback edition, but it was taking too long, so I got the library copy. And then, finally, my FBAA Book Beau preorder came in. Now, I don't really like these things, simply because I don't find them all that useful for my lifestryle. However, buying it was the only way to get this Poppy & Cas art. I guess I'll just stuff it full of all the FBAA prints I have that I haven't had the money or time to put up yet.

I also got three Kindle books this week. Between Ink and Shadows and Frey by Melissa Wright were both free, so I bought those. I could've sworn I already had BIAS, but I guess not. And then, my library ebook hold on King of Battle and Blood came in. I really need to get to this one soon, as Scarlett St. Claire is an ApollyCon author, and I haven't read any of her books yet. Eek.

What books have you bought/received lately?


  1. OOoh nice! I looooooved Oblivion myself! Honestly, Daemon's head is the best! Lol. Omg, I was cracking up hard when I read this one! Though I do recommend also getting the ebook if you haven't already! The real book is just Obsidian through Daemon's eyes and the ebook has Onyx and Opal too! I keep waiting and hoping Jennifer will get the new cover in her shop so I can buy that one signed to go with the other new covers I have from her signed as well!

    Oohh Scarlett St. Clair! I just started reading her books since she is coming to my library next week! I read this one here and liked it a lot! I also just started her Hades and Persephone series which is pretty fun too! I've been reading them in the "recommended" order, so I had to stop after the second book of Persephone as Hades' second book releases this coming week.

    The FBAA art is really nice! I can't believe that this was the only way to get that piece though. I had one Book Beau sleeve once from a book box but I was not impressed with it. I haven't gotten one of her newer ones though. But since I work from home now, my book sleeves don't see much use anymore. I do like my Book Beau reading pillow. It's one of the first ones she did, so it's got a different style, I couldn't bring myself to buy a new one just to be able to change the covers. Plus, I still like the actual style/shape of my current one as it's not the same as the "new" one, which looks to much like a baby boppy pillow to me! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy all your lovely new reads!

    My StS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. What?! The physical copy is just the first book! That's mean. Now I will need to buy the ebook. Darn. Thanks for letting me know. I'm not really a fan of books from the guy's POV because it's basically the same book, but I do want to give this one a shot. And yes, totally agree about the baby boppy pillow thing! It does look like that. XD


I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!