Friday, April 3, 2015

Dean Winchester Friday

Dean Winchester (or sometimes Jensen Ackles) Fridays make me a very happy fangirl. You'll see why when you look at the picture.

Dean smiles and the whole world smiles with him.


  1. Okay, this alone deserves a follow from me already! I actually don't know why I haven't followed you the last time I was on your blog here but NOW I do - via bloglovin' btw!

    Every Friday a picture of Dean/Jensen? I can live with that. He's one handsome man and deserves all my attention and love, hahaha. :D ♥

    Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages

    1. Yep. He deserves it all. And thanks for the follow! I'm glad to have another Dean lover here! XD


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