I get really bored sometimes. And like most people, when I get bored I
tend to browse the internet for random things. I decided to look up “Book Lover
Quizzes” and I found quite a few. One was created by Heroic
Endeavors and another was a meme on someone’s blog (I can’t find the
original creator, but here’s
the post I found it on). I mushed the questions together and got rid of some repeats to make this quiz thing you see below.
So, basically this post is just going to be me, answering book-related
questions. Sounds fun, right?
Do you snack
while you read? If so, favorite reading snack:
I do not snack while I read. I paid a lot of money for my book, and getting
crumbs and smudge marks on it will hurt my soul. I actually make myself stop
reading when I want to eat.
What is
your favorite drink while reading?
I typically just have a bottle of water next to me when I read, otherwise I’ll forget that I have an ice cold soda, or a glass of milk next to me, and that just gets gross.
I typically just have a bottle of water next to me when I read, otherwise I’ll forget that I have an ice cold soda, or a glass of milk next to me, and that just gets gross.
Do you
tend to mark your books as you read, or does the thought of writing in books
horrify you?
Horrify! Terrify! Petrify! Marking in books should be a sin! Except evil textbooks, you can mark in those because no one cares.
Horrify! Terrify! Petrify! Marking in books should be a sin! Except evil textbooks, you can mark in those because no one cares.
non-fiction, or both?
FICTION. I sometimes forget non-fiction is even a thing.
FICTION. I sometimes forget non-fiction is even a thing.
Are you
the type of person who tends to read to the end of the chapter, or can you stop
I like to read to the end of a chapter, doesn’t mean I always will. If I need/want to stop in the middle of a page, I will. It doesn’t happen often, though.
I like to read to the end of a chapter, doesn’t mean I always will. If I need/want to stop in the middle of a page, I will. It doesn’t happen often, though.
Are you the
type of person to throw a book across the room or onto the floor if the author
irritates you?
Nope. I paid for it and I would like to keep it damage-free. I will bang my head against something though (maybe even the book).
Nope. I paid for it and I would like to keep it damage-free. I will bang my head against something though (maybe even the book).
If you
come across an unfamiliar word, do you look it up right away?
Hahahahahahahaha!!! How can someone do this!? I just keep flipping through. I’m not in school. If I don’t know the word, and it doesn’t impede my ability to understand the story, I’m not going to touch a dictionary, online or physical. Honestly, I don’t actually come across words that I’m unfamiliar with very often, at least, not in the YA genre.
Hahahahahahahaha!!! How can someone do this!? I just keep flipping through. I’m not in school. If I don’t know the word, and it doesn’t impede my ability to understand the story, I’m not going to touch a dictionary, online or physical. Honestly, I don’t actually come across words that I’m unfamiliar with very often, at least, not in the YA genre.
What are
you currently reading?
I am currently reading a bajillion (3) different books: Whispers of the Fallen by J.D. Netto, Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong, and Mistwood by Leah Cypess.
Usually, if I’m in a reading slump, I’ll start reading a lot of books at one time until I find one that really captures my attention.
I am currently reading a bajillion (3) different books: Whispers of the Fallen by J.D. Netto, Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong, and Mistwood by Leah Cypess.
Usually, if I’m in a reading slump, I’ll start reading a lot of books at one time until I find one that really captures my attention.
What is
the last book you bought?
The last books that I bought for myself were all really cheap on Book Outlet. They were The Essence by Kimberly Derting, Sever by Lauren DeStefano, and Eternal by Kristi Cook.
The last books that I bought for myself were all really cheap on Book Outlet. They were The Essence by Kimberly Derting, Sever by Lauren DeStefano, and Eternal by Kristi Cook.
Do you
have a favorite time/place to read?
Favorite time = any time. Although in the mornings my eyes are usually all wonky from sleep and they don’t appreciate trying to focus on words.
Favorite place = my bed or my couch. I’m kind of lazy when it comes to reading.
Favorite time = any time. Although in the mornings my eyes are usually all wonky from sleep and they don’t appreciate trying to focus on words.
Favorite place = my bed or my couch. I’m kind of lazy when it comes to reading.
Do you
prefer series or standalones?
Series. If I like a book I want more of it.
Series. If I like a book I want more of it.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It’s magic and butterfly kisses all wrapped up with an invisible bow (It’s also a standalone, so it makes my last answer look very stupid.).
* How do you
organize your books?
I have four bookshelves. Bookshelf #1 houses my YA paranormal/dystopian/fantasy hardcovers. Bookshelf #2 holds some more YA paranormal/dystopian/fantasy hardcovers, some hardcover and paperback mixed series, and my YA p/d/f paperbacks. Bookshelf #3 holds my contemporaries, books I need to read, middle-grade-ish fantasy books, and classics. Bookshelf #4 holds all of the stuff I can’t fit on #1-3 and my adult romance books that I hide from my parents, because ICK.
I have four bookshelves. Bookshelf #1 houses my YA paranormal/dystopian/fantasy hardcovers. Bookshelf #2 holds some more YA paranormal/dystopian/fantasy hardcovers, some hardcover and paperback mixed series, and my YA p/d/f paperbacks. Bookshelf #3 holds my contemporaries, books I need to read, middle-grade-ish fantasy books, and classics. Bookshelf #4 holds all of the stuff I can’t fit on #1-3 and my adult romance books that I hide from my parents, because ICK.
Hardback or
trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Hardback. They’re expensive, which sucks, but they’re also really pretty.
Hardback. They’re expensive, which sucks, but they’re also really pretty.
Amazon or brick
and mortar?
Amazon. I hate saying that with all of the controversy, but I’m a college student, and it’s cheap(er).
Amazon. I hate saying that with all of the controversy, but I’m a college student, and it’s cheap(er).
Bookmark or
If someone dogeared my book, I’d probably murder them (Okay, I’d probably just never talk to them again.). Even random things are better than dogearing. Like right now, I’ve got a receipt holding my place in one of my books.
If someone dogeared my book, I’d probably murder them (Okay, I’d probably just never talk to them again.). Even random things are better than dogearing. Like right now, I’ve got a receipt holding my place in one of my books.
Alphabetize by
author or alphabetize by title or random?
I usually alphabetize by author.
I usually alphabetize by author.
Keep, throw
away, or sell?
I tend to keep, which is going to suck monkey butt when I have to move out. Ugh.
I tend to keep, which is going to suck monkey butt when I have to move out. Ugh.
Keep dustjacket
or toss it?
Who throws away dustjackets?! That’s just rude!
Who throws away dustjackets?! That’s just rude!
Read with
dustjacket or remove it?
Remove it, because dustjackets are usually a work of art, and I don’t want them harmed while I’m carrying around its insides.
Remove it, because dustjackets are usually a work of art, and I don’t want them harmed while I’m carrying around its insides.
Short story or
Novel. Short stories tend to anger me (I want more!).
Novel. Short stories tend to anger me (I want more!).
Harry Potter or
Lemony Snicket?
Is this honestly a question? I mean I enjoyed the A Series of Unfortunate Events books, but they can in no way compete with Harry Potter. Maybe if the question was something like Harry Potter vs. Narnia, or Harry Potter vs. The Lord of the Rings, then there would be an actual competition. (And Narnia would win them all!)
Is this honestly a question? I mean I enjoyed the A Series of Unfortunate Events books, but they can in no way compete with Harry Potter. Maybe if the question was something like Harry Potter vs. Narnia, or Harry Potter vs. The Lord of the Rings, then there would be an actual competition. (And Narnia would win them all!)
“It was a dark
and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
“Once upon a time.” It makes me want to read a fairytale.
“Once upon a time.” It makes me want to read a fairytale.
Buy or borrow?
I should borrow, because like I said earlier, I’m a college student, and I’m broke. But, I buy, and I’m more broke.
I should borrow, because like I said earlier, I’m a college student, and I’m broke. But, I buy, and I’m more broke.
New or used?
New. If it’s used and in good condition I’ll buy it, though.
New. If it’s used and in good condition I’ll buy it, though.
Buying choice:
book reviews, recommendation or browse?
All three. That’s why I own so many freaking books.
All three. That’s why I own so many freaking books.

Tidy ending. If I have to wait an entire year for the sequel, I tend to forget what happened in the previous book, so I don’t want to be thrown into the middle of a situation I don’t remember.
Favorite series?
Overall it would have to be The Chronicles of Narnia. I was obsessed with those books as a kid (And by kid I mean like 6 years ago.) Harry Potter, Meg Cabot’s Mediator books, the Courier’s Daughter trilogy, and The White Rabbit Chronicles are some of my others.
Overall it would have to be The Chronicles of Narnia. I was obsessed with those books as a kid (And by kid I mean like 6 years ago.) Harry Potter, Meg Cabot’s Mediator books, the Courier’s Daughter trilogy, and The White Rabbit Chronicles are some of my others.
Favorite book of
which nobody else has heard?
Defiance by C.J. Redwine and Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
Defiance by C.J. Redwine and Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
Favorite books
read last year?
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Deception by C.J. Redwine, Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Deception by C.J. Redwine, Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter
And that completes this long bookish questionnaire.
I hope you enjoyed my answers, and tell me what some of yours are down in the comments
section. TTFN!
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I LOVE your comments! And I do read all of them so keep at it! Thanks for visiting!