Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Review: Sorcery and Small Magics by Maiga Doocy

Sorcery and Small Magics
(The Wildersongs Trilogy #1)
Publication Date: October 15, 2024
Paperback, 416 pages, Orbit
Genres: Adult, LGBTQ+/Polyamory, Fantasy
Desperate to undo the curse binding them to each other, an impulsive sorcerer and his curmudgeonly rival venture deep into a magical forest in search of a counterspell—only to discover that magic might not be the only thing pulling them together.
Leovander Loveage is a master of small magics.
He can summon butterflies with a song, or turn someone’s hair pink by snapping his fingers. Such minor charms don’t earn him much admiration from other sorcerers (or his father), but anything more elaborate always blows up in his face. Which is why Leo vowed years ago to never again write powerful magic.
That is, until a mix-up involving a forbidden spell binds Leo to obey the commands of his longtime nemesis, Sebastian Grimm. Grimm is Leo’s complete opposite—respected, exceptionally talented, and an absolutely insufferable curmudgeon. The only thing they agree on is that getting caught using forbidden magic would mean the end of their careers. They need a counterspell, and fast. But Grimm casts spells, he doesn’t undo them, and Leo doesn’t mess with powerful magic.
Chasing rumors of a powerful sorcerer with a knack for undoing curses, Leo and Grimm enter the Unquiet Wood, a forest infested with murderous monsters and dangerous outlaws alike. To dissolve the curse, they’ll have to uncover the true depths of Leo’s magic, set aside their long-standing rivalry, and—much to their horror—work together.
Even as an odd spark of attraction flares between them.

My Review

Sorcery and Small Magics was a perfect fall-transition book. It's light and fluffy with plenty of magical hijinks and strange magical creatures. Plus, Leovander Loveage is never boring. His inner thoughts and resulting actions made him a fairly dramatic main character, not that he didn't have adequate reasons for his dramatics, but things did get quite out of hand no matter what decision he made.

Leo is a hot mess 99% of the time, but Sebastian Grimm, his nemesis, is the stoical grump to Leo's sunshine. And when they unintentionally get stuck together, it's honestly a great time. The few chapters that didn't have Leo and Grimm interacting, while still important to the story, were my least favorite. The banter between the two main characters was what I lived for. The academic "rival" tension was just too good. I wanted more. Leo was so good at pestering Grimm.

I will say that the story skewed a bit from what it originally started out as. And while that's in the synopsis, I still wasn't expecting it to take up a large portion of the book. The spell Grimm and Leo unintentionally casts that gets them stuck together means they have to go on a quest of sorts to get it fixed. So we go from a magical academy setting to a magical forest one instead. They go into this forest and all sorts of random antics ensure. There are bandits, musically-obsessed creatures, enchanted towers, and a good-boy wolf monster. Grimm and Leo have to work together to make it through all of this and get their curse undone, and I had a great time following their journey. I also was surprised to find that this book isn't a standalone. It actually ends with quite a few things unresolved. I guess I'll have to (im)patiently wait for book two to get my answers.

All in all, if you like TJ Klune's whimsical stories, Rebecca Ross's musical magic in A River Enchanted, or Freya Marske's The Last Binding series, then Sorcery and Small Magics just might be for you. It's a light-hearted fantasy with two main characters that have zero idea what they're doing, and watching them bumble their way through the problem they created is quite entertaining. I'm excited to see what book two has in store.

*Note: I received a copy of this book to review from the publisher. This in no way affected my opinion/review.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Bride Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Man, I've been exhausted this week. Not for any particular reason. My body is just weary. Working out, going to the 9-5, and doing household stuff has just been so tiring lately. Maybe it's the weather change? Or maybe I need to eat better food and sleep more? Nah, that can't be it. Lol.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have a copy of Bride by Ali Hazelwood that I ordered off of PangoBooks. I specifically wanted the Target exclusive edition because of the bonus material in the back, and I guess Target doesn't carry them anymore. So I got this one for $8 plus shipping. My Sallteas Bride pins also arrived with a couple of bookmarks and a small card print. Two are of Bride characters and the other is from A Fate Inked in Blood, I think...

Next up, I have my LitHaven preorders of King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Claire and The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole. And wow. It's been like a year or more since I ordered these. They're pretty, but I've kind of moved on to other things, so I'm not sure if I'll keep purchasing the sequels once they come out or just stick with the regular editions. Well, for the Scarlett book, I don't know what I'll do, as I wasn't a huge fan of the first book when I read it. I'm just a sucker for a pretty cover and books about vampires. I might try the sequel, just to see if it grips me more than the first installment did.

And here we have some Barnes & Noble orders. My copies of World After and End of Days by Susan Ee were looking a bit old and the pages were turning color. It was very weird, like they were made with cheap construction paper or something. So I got rid of them and decided to replace them since I had a gift card I could use. I really want to reread this series one day. It was so good. I also received my preorder of the hardcover edition of When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker.

And here I have an A Touch of Magic Designs order I made. And honestly, I have no idea why I bought those shelfie standees. They're characters from Zodiac Academy, which I love, but I don't need these shelfies. I definitely regret buying them and the other two I have plus the Fourth Wing ones. Ugh. I don't regret the pins though. I am collecting the bakery pins I like, so those are fine. I bought one for The Serpent & the Wings of NIght, Narnia, and Fourth Wing. The order also came with a Xaden magnet, which is now on my fridge.

I also bought something cool from Mercari, and I was good and held off until the seller gave me a deal. Yay for not making impulse purchases! I bought the Nite of the Rite wolf mask that the volunteers were wearing at JLA's FBAA ApollyCon event. I wasn't volunteering that night, so I didn't get one, but now, I have it! I also bought the NotR blanket with Poppy and Cas on it, but it started spewing fuzzy stuffing in the dryer, so I'm not sure what to do with it. The order also came with the Gods & Monsters event bag. I think I have one of these already.

And lastly, I have one lonely ebook. It's an impulse book I saw in a Facebook group. It's called Blood King by JP Sayle. I'm reading it now, and it's not bad. It definitely has an indie vibe, but I'm sticking with it. The mystery of one of the character's origins is intriguing. Oh, and I also downloaded two bonus novellas from two different series. One was a Zodiac Academy preorder reward and the other a freebie from the author's newsletter. It's a bonus epilogue for Tryggred by the Orc

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

September Wrap-Up & October TBR

I finally decided to write this wrap-up. For some reason, I just couldn't make myself pick up my laptop to actually do it. I had all the pics ready to go, but typing everything out sounded super exhausting. I think it's because I'm doing a lot of stressful writing for work this month, so my blog is suffering because I don't want to come home and stare at a screen.

In this wrap-up, I’ll list the books I read, the books I reviewed, the books I bought/received, and my TBR for next month. Now, let’s get this bookish party started!

Books Read in September

Fair Catch: 4 stars
Bite of Betrayal: 3 stars
Bite of Vengeance: 3 stars
Pucking Around: 4 stars
Pucking Ever After: Volume I: 3 stars
Don't Puck With My Heart: 2.5 stars

I read six books in September, which wasn't terrible considering my reading slump peeked its head in a couple of times over the month. All of the books were Kindle Unlimited reads, though. I didn't get anything off of my physical TBR. Three of the authors are all ApollyCon attendees though. So yay! Those include R.L. Caulder's Bite of Betrayal and Bite of Vengeance, Emily Rath's Pucking Around and the novella bind-up Pucking Ever After: Volume I, and Sarah Blue's Don't Puck With My Heart. I'm still undecided if I want to buy physical copies of Pucking Around and R.L. Caulder's Blood Oath books to get signed at ApollyCon. They were decent reads, but nothing life-changing, and I'm trying to save shelf space. Ugh. The book hoarder dilemma. I also read C.E. Ricci's newest release, Fair Catch. In case you haven't noticed, I read a lot of sports romance in September. I needed light and fluffy, I guess.

Books Bought/Received in September

Well, here's the math part of the post. I bought a total of 25 books in September and received 11 that I didn't pay for in the month, which basically means they were either sent to me for review, they were preorders/books ordered in August, or they were free ebooks. Altogether, 27 of the books actually made their way to me in September.

For the 11 books I received, I got one free Kindle ebook, two review copies from the publisher, one gift, and seven preorders that arrived. The free ebook was Brutal Titan by E.V. Olsen. Orbit sent me two books I requested to review: Sorcery and Small Magics by Maiga Doocy and The Bound Worlds by Megan E. O'Keefe. My sister also gave me her copy of Happy Place by Emily Henry because the weirdo doesn't keep books after she reads them. And finally, the seven preorders that arrived this month were three FairyLoot books, Beneath the Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan, When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker, and Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan; the Bookish Box editions of the first three books in the Flesh & Fire series; and the Ukraine edition of A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I'd ordered AKOFAF in late August, but it arrived in September.

This is where it gets ugly. I bought way too much. As for the 16 books I bought that I actually received in September, those consisted of my Barnes & Noble preorders: Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune, The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen, Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent, Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Fear the Flames by Olivia Rose Darling. I also got If There's No Tomorrow and the FBAA Juniper five-book set from Mercari. I bought a copy of the Walmart Goldfinch edition, the first two books in the Titan series from the JLA Shop, and the French edition of A Light in the Flame from FNAC. And my FairyLoot Adult sub book, The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart, also arrived in September.

 My preorders for the month/books that haven't arrived yet include nine titles: FairyLoot's September Romantasy sub book, FairyLoot's Powerless set, FairyLoot's Serpent Sea by Maiya Ibrahim, the Waterstones Goldfinch edition, and the first three FBAA books in Spanish, which I bought from a Facebook BST group.  

Currently Obsessed With

As for TV/films, it's the same as last month. I've only watched one.

That's right. I'm still on my Law & Order: Special Victims Unit binge. Or at least, I was in September. I've slowed down a lot in October, but we'll talk about that in next month's wrap-up. I think the only other show I watched was a bit of Bridgerton season three with my mom when I visited. I also rewatched The Martian with my parents. It was their first time seeing it.

October TBR

I was a bit ambitious with this month's TBR, though I will say that two of these, I've already finished in this first week of October. Those are Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton and Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy. However, full disclosure, I'd started reading them in previous months. So I cheated there. Other than those books, I need to finish The Prince's Poisoned Vow by Hailey Turner and Salt in the Wound by Sierra Simone. I started these a couple of months ago and never picked them back up even though I want to finish them. Ugh. I also need to read and review Sorcery and Small Magics, The Bound Worlds, and Dragon Rider by Taran Matharu, which has been on my to-review list for months now. Oops. And then I added Fear the Flames as a mood read.


Okay, well, that's the month of September, plus some October sneak peeks, all wrapped up into one post. Do you have a wrap-up post for last month? If so, share in the comments!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Double Arcane Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

It's been a pretty chill week. I didn't go to the gym as much as I should have, I haven't cleaned as much as I should have, and I haven't finished Fortuna Sworn like I should have. Ugh. That book is taking me forever to read. I'm almost done, though. Two more chapters. Other than that, life's been pretty simple.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have my second Arcane subscription set. This is for The Ever King duology by L.J. Andrews. I'm very interested in the story, but I'm not overly enthusiastic about the designs here. I think I like the original covers better. The blue of the originals gives me sea and pirate vibes more than the red of this set. But, I want to read the books before I decide to keep or get rid of them. Luckily, L.J. is an ApollyCon author, so I'll probably read book one at some point in the next few months.

Now these books are also from Arcane. If you remember that trade I talked about last week, this is what it was for. The first book is From Blood and Ash and the second is The Crown of Oaths and Curses by J. Bree. Both are ApollyCon exclusives. So, the story here is that Arcane was going to reprint the FBAA edition in a whole series set for purchase. But, their original artist backed out, so some of the inside artwork, including the rever dustjacket and pages won't be the same for the new editions. And I couldn't let that slide. I needed that original artwork, so I traded some Prettygal Pins card decks for it and the J. Bree book. This is was my first time doing such a risky trade, so I'm glad it worked out.

Next up, I have the September Adult Fantasy FairyLoot book, The Gods Below by Andrea Stewart. I loved Andrea Stewart's Drowning Empire trilogy, so I'm excited about her new series. I don't plan to read it until all the books are out, though. I did that with her first trilogy, and I really liked that experience. I will say, this edition isn't super impressive. It's nice, but I think it could've been better.

And for the last physical books, I have a set of Spanish FBAA editions that I bought on a BST Facebook group for pretty cheap. $50 for all three when normally they're $25 each. Now, I will say that I was devastated when I first opened them. Not because the seller did anything wrong, but because I immediately dropped A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and damaged the top of the spine. I wasn't feeling good, and I was super tired and shaky, so I know why I dropped it, but honestly, I almost cried. It was emotionally devastating. I did buy some Mod Podge, though, so I'm hoping I can seal up the damage. You can't even really see it in these pics, so I don't think it'll bother me unless I'm up close.

And here's another tale of devastation. I had ordered two different pin sets from Sallteas, one for Fourth Wing and one for Bride by Ali Hazelwood. Well, she accidentally sent me two sets of Fourth Wing pins instead of one of each. That meant I had to use my lunch break to run to Staples and return the extra set before she would ship my Bride order to me. I get why she did it that way, but, again, I wasn't feeling well, so it was irritating that I had to use my time and energy to fix something that wasn't my fault. She was nice about everything and plans to include extra stuff in my Bride order to make up for it, so that's good. I'm glad it's over, though. I also feel better now, so I'm not as irritated about everything.

And now I have my Imagine Books dustjacket order for the Flesh & Fire series. There's one set that was created by Gonzolam and the other by Jemlin. It seems like the Jemlin one isn't going to be continued... Maybe? I'm honestly not sure. I never planned to get dustjackets for this series, but after reading the last book, I just had to have all of them. The Gonzolam ones do match my FBAA set, though, so I'm glad I only technically bought one "new" set. Though I still have to find some cheap copies of the hardcovers to fill three of these. Oh, and with that order, I got two replica daggers. One is Poppy's and one is Sera's. The handles are a little glittery, so I'm hoping they don't shed. It'll be another good use for my Mod Podge, though.

And lastly, I have the ebooks. These are both Kindle Unlimited downloads. I've been really wanting to read Tryggred by the Orc by Finley Fenn. I only read select books from this orc series, but whenever one calls to me, I immediately want to read it. And I read this one in one sitting. It was cute and fun. Eben is adorable. I also downloaded Punished by the Vampire King by Darcy Fayton. I don't know much about this one except it's very dark, and it's a standalone within a larger series. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Maiden Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

This week has been hectic as a book collector. I feel like I've been checking messages all week trying to arrange a trade for a special edition. But at least that experience is kind of fun. I'd rather be busy negotiating books than doing adult things. Working, cleaning, and cooking are just not as thrilling. Now, you won't see the trade results for a bit, but I am excited for when the books do come in. It'll be magical, and I bet you have no clue what the titles are. XD

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have a bunch of new releases. I had preordered Fear the Flames by Olivia Rose Darling and Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent from Barnes & Noble. I also ordered the French edition of A Light in the Flame by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I ordered it from a site called FNAC, and it was delivered in like three days. I've never had an international company be so fast before. My Walmart exclusive edition of Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy also arrived. It arrived in an open ravioli-type package, but surprisingly, the book was fine. That same day, I also got Sorcery and Small Magics by Maiga Doocy from Orbit for review. I'm very excited for this one, and I hope to get to it in the next couple of weeks.

Next up, I have the Juniper set of the FBAA series. These have Poppy as the Maiden on the dustjacket spines. While this isn't my favorite design, seeing them in person has made me appreciate them much more. They're still waaaaaaay overpriced though, especially since the books themselves are the regular editions. The only thing different is the dustjackets. I bought this set on Mercari, so the resale prices were like $50 cheaper than the regular price. They are a little dinged on the corners, but nothing too terrible. They also came with the books, so I figured the cheaper price point was worth any risk that buying secondhand might have had. Now, I have to figure out what I'm going to do about the Flesh & Fire set that was just announced. I think I'm just going to get the dustjackets for those and slowly collect my own used/cheap copies of the books to put the jackets on.

And lastly, I have one lonely ebook. It's the Kindle Unlimited version of Goldfinch. I actually just started this one, and I'm sad that soon the Plated Prisoner series will be over. Although it's bittersweet, I definitely think it's time. The series grew so much over the years, and I know the author had some rough periods trying to get everything finished. It'll be good to see what new projects she works on now that this series is complete. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The JLA Insanity Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

This week has been pretty successful in getting me on track. I've completed two two-mile runs this week so far. And hopefully by the time this post goes live, I'll have one more under my belt. Or at least a singular mile. I would've had more but Monday was a kind of meh workout. But as for the rest of my life, it's been pretty quiet, just work, sleep, eat, repeat.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have the Bookish Box editions of the Flesh & Fire series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. You'll notice that every physical book in this haul is by JLA. It's quite interesting how nothing else arrived from other authors when I know for a fact that two other preorders shipped out recently. I've been very excited for these, though, so I'm okay that nothing else arrived. Honestly, the art on these is better than the FBAA editions, in my opinion, which is a bit sad because I like FBAA more. Oh well, I have plenty of other pretty FBAA copies. It's about time the F&F series got some nice book box editions.

Next up, I have the first two books in the Titan series by JLA. These were created and sold by the JLA Shop. They were honestly just kind of sprung on us. One day the shop announced they were coming and less than a week later, they were for sale. Then, they shipped out like one or two days later. Craziness. While I do think these books are pretty, and I'm happy to have them, I do think the slipcases they came in are kind of pointless, as the artwork on each is the same as each individual naked hardcover book. These editions could have been $20 cheaper without those slipcases.

And for the last physical book, I have the last edition in the Bloom Books redesign of the Covenant series. These things all shipped out so fast. I can't believe all of them are in my possession already. In comparison, the new Lux hardcover editions are coming out like six months apart. Those are also uglier, in my opinion. I've seen some UK Lux editions with similar covers to these Covenant ones, and I think I'm going to go for those. I'm really meh about these new Lux hardcovers.

And lastly, I have the ebooks. All of these except one are Kindle Unlimited downloads. Brutal Titan by E.V. Olsen was a random download. I didn't even realize it was free on Kindle until I noticed it didn't have the KU logo on my app. The other books I got from KU included Pucking Around by Emily Rath, Blood of Hercules by Jasmine Mas, Bite of Justice by R.L. Caulder, and The Veiled Kingdom by Holly Renee. Three of these are ApollyCon authors, and Blood of Hercules has just been getting a lot of hype lately so I was curious. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Stacking the Shelves: The Sus Etsy Listing Edition

 "Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It allows book buyers to share their accumulation of books with the online book-loving community.

Well, I'm trying to get back into a regular routine. Work, gym, sleep versus just work and sleep. I'm also still trying to finish some organization projects around my house. The good news is, I think I have the motivation to really make a pretty decent dent in it this weekend. Fingers crossed that motivation keeps up. I would have done a lot of it last weekend, but I ended up visiting my parents' house instead.

But on to this week's haul. First up, I have my physical books for the month. I have a pretty decent stack here. My FairyLoot edition of When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker arrived, along with two preorders from Barnes & Noble: The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen and Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune. I also ordered the Ukraine edition of A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire last month, and it arrived this week. I actually ordered it on a suspicious Etsy listing, so I wasn't sure if it would show up. It did, though, and I'm super grateful to have this method for future releases. For some reason, my bank does not like international purchases from Ukraine, so it was a whole ordeal trying to order from the bookseller last year. This is much easier.

I almost forgot to include this one. It wasn't sitting with the rest of my "new books" to wait for the weekly photoshoot. I found a cheap copy of If There's No Tomorrow by JLA on Mercari. It was in really good shape, so I went ahead and bought it. I wanted it to match my The Problem With Forever hardcover, so I couldn't just go for the paperback. I'm one book closer to owning all of JLA's backlist. I still have to get some of her adult contemporary romances and a couple of random YAs, but soon I'll be caught up. Then, I just have to read them. XD

And lastly, I have one ebook that I downloaded from Kindle Unlimited: Bite of Vengeance by R.L. Caulder. I'm conflicted with this series. The books are kind of just a cheesy paranormal why-choose vampire romance, but the covers are gorgeous, in my opinion. The author is going to be at ApollyCon, so I have to decide if I want to order the books or not. It's a tough call, and I doubt I make an official decision until closer to April. 

Well, that's all for me. What books have you bought/received lately?